Studies - Are the Twelve Tribes Lost? - with Dr. Rabbi
Reuven ben-Avaraham.
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Note: on this page and site I will be showing the
most blessed four letter *Memorial Name of
our beloved Creator in Ivrit - Y-H-V-H, blessed be His
Sanctified Name, which was changed well prior the destruction of
the Second Temple, is now usually pronounced as Adonai (LORD)
or HaShem (The Name). However at all
times please treat the most blessed Name with great
Sanctity, and when we even see the Holy Name, we should say
Blessed-be-His-Sanct-Name - Blessed
be His Sanctified Name.
Hebraic Studies I use Jewish
Publication Society (JPS) & Sefaria.com
(SEF) versions of the Torah/Tanakh. (Torah = History
- Law / Neviim = Prophets / Ketuvim =
is My Name FOREVER, and this is My MEMORIAL to ALL
GENERATIONS. Shemot - Exodus 3:15. (JPS).
unto Me, and I will return unto you,
saith of hosts Malochi
Malachi 3:7 (JPS).
the Twelve Tribes of Really Israel Lost?
Rabbi Reuben Ben-Avraham-Goossens, PhD.
the image above of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, which sets the
theme of this important study I am sure that by the time we reach
the end we will have gained a great deal from the wonderful Word
of Elohim, , blessed be His
Sanctified Name, and I know with certainty that you will have
learned some things that you may not have ever known before. As
of 2024 I have been aware of the truth of this matter now for
thirty three years! If you have not heard any of what I will
provide in this study, obviously you may ask, how come you know
this, whilst others have not found this? Believe me, I am
certainly not better than anyone else, for I feel far from being
superior, but it is all due to having a Hebraic mind and loving
to search out many wonderful facts and words from the Ivrit -
Hebrew from our beloved Tanakh, as well as having an
archaeological background, I feel that I have been blessed by
Elohim with an understanding of ancient Hebrew times. Believe me
it takes a great deal of prayer, and loving studying the
Torah/Tanakh! I wanted you to understand this as we go on with
this study for it is a vital link to understanding
the the Word of Elohim, , blessed be He!
we undertake this study, we should understand that the Tanakh is
packed with treasures, and all it takes is time reading it and
looking at the root of some words and comprehending just what it
is really saying!
here is one secret of understanding our Tanakh better. And I have
placed the secret below, for it is vital to take note of the
following information:
are three very clear levels of learning & understanding of
the Tanakh as given by our Elohim, for when we read and
study the Tanakh, we should keep the following three points
always in mind.
three points or steps are the most valuable guide and it will
certainly provide you with guidance and they will illuminate the
sheer beauty and the fullness that can be found in Elohims
most Sanctified Word!
was the Word given to Israel?
was Elohim, - blessed be His
Sanctified Name, speaking to?
was His Word understood by BNai Yisroel - the
Children of Israel at the time it was
stress once again, I do believe that these three points are most
relevant to our understanding of what the Almighty was saying at
the time it was given and what it means to you and me right now,
for the past still has great meaning today as we learn from it!
we also must learn the following;
1. Never
take the Torah/Tanakh out of its context and ...
2. We
cannot read someone elses letter and just assume that it
solely applies to us in todays language. Reading
with todays ideology and modern and in a language rather
than the original Ivrit and how it was understood at THAT time,
with the knowledge they had way back then, when they would have
had a completly different understanding what it meant. But
between the Soperim, Priests and Rabbis who so much
later of course had different ideologys and, to say the
least a very different idea and simply decided to go against
Elohims strict commandments! Such as:
hath remembered His COVENANT FOREVER, the Word which He COMMANDED
Psalms: 105:8. (JPS).
is My Name FOREVER, and this is My MEMORIAL unto ALL GENERATIONS. Shemot
- Exodus 3:15. (JPS).
the above two verses would not have been very clear to those
so-called not very smart Soperim, Priests especially those
obviously dumb Rabbis. The question we should ask is,
why were they so far of the mark knowing the will and
the commandments of Elohim, blessed , as He was so precise.
All generations
meant forever, and in those days, you may
not know, but a Generation used to mean duration of 40
years. But then there was also the word thousand. Obviously
placing those two together had a very powerful meaning, yet somehow,
those Soperim, priests and Rabbis were simply
unable to work this very simple equation out.
sad truth was that they were - A. not completly
faithful at the time; B. nor were they being totally
obedient to Torah and the Mitzvahs! And their unfaithfulness
is clearly described in Moachi - Malachi
chapter 2 verses 1-4 & 8. It is no wonder we never hear it
even mentioned in our Shuls.
1. And now, O priests, this charge is
for you:
2. Unless
you obey and unless you lay it to heart, and do honour to My
Name said Elohim of Hosts, I will send a curse and turn your
blessings into curses. Indeed, I have turned them into curses,
because you do not lay it to heart.
3. I
will put your seed under a ban, and I will strew dung upon your
faces, the dung of your festal sacrifices, and you shall be
carried out to its heap.
4. Know,
then, that I have sent this charge to you that My covenant
with Levi may endure, said Elohim of Hosts.
But you have turned away from that course: You have made
the many stumble through your rulings; you have corrupted the
covenant of the Levitessaid Elohim of Hosts. Moachi -
Malachi chapter 2:1-4 & 8. (JPS).
Now you will know why we never hear these
verses ever mentioned in our Shuls. Yet Elohim still
makes this call!
Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith of hosts Moachi - Malachi 3:7 (JPS).
Perfect Example:
let us now turn to Tehillim - Psalm 105:7-10 for I believe
within these four verses you will discover an interesting
dilemma. There are some who have come to me over the years and
have asked Rabbi is there not a contradiction in this
me tell you this truth, there is never a single contradiction in
the Tanakh of Elohim, , blessed be His Sanctified
Name. The only contradiction is always with those who do not
comprehend, or check what is actually said, and why, and when! As
history has proven man has so frequently caused confusion because
they refused to look back when it was written, and how it was
understood then! This so-called problem is very easily solved;
however we must look at the original Ivrit - Hebrew for
clarification! Thus let us now look at this Tehillim and see what
precious gem it will provide us.
no, we are back were we were before, but now we have more
of Tehillim - Psalm 105: verse 7 to 10.
is our Elohim;
His judgments are in all the earth. He hath remembered
His covenant FOREVER, the word which He COMMANDED to a
thousand generations; The covenant which He made with Avraham
- Abraham, and His oath unto Yitzchak - Isaac; And He established
it unto Yaaqov - Jacob for a statute, to Yisroel - Israel
for an everlasting covenant. Tehillim
- Psalm 105:7-10 (JPS).
me now transliterate part of verse 8.
Zachar Leolam Berito Davar Tzivah Leelev Dor
(Hebrew- transliteration).
He () remembers His
covenant forever, the Word He commanded, for a thousand
generations. Verse 8. (JPS).
will note that two special words are used; forever
and everlasting in verse 10 and obviously even
in our understanding these words should mean exactly what they
this is not the case according to some rabbis, for they can
mostly only see a problem in these verses!
Hebrew both the words forever and everlasting
are the exact same Hebrew word, being Olam and
it also translates as eternity, eternal,
universe, without end. And
there is much more, but I am sure that you get the picture!
there is one point in these verses that most rabbis just simply
cannot grasp, and thus it has been troublesome with the balance
of these verses, thus I have been asked; But rabbi, why
does it state in the second part of verse 8 that it is only
for a thousand generations, does this not mean that
there is an obvious time limit?
would ever ask this is really not to smart and it is not a very
clever question! However, truth is, I am always delighted when I
am asked, for it gives me the opportunity to explain the sheer
beauty in these verses. But let me just quickly go back to the
three points I have already mentioned, and here they are once
was the Word given to Israel?
was Elohim,
blessed be His Sanctified Name speaking to?
was His Word understood by Israel at the time it was
we need to remember that Elohim, blessed be He, was speaking
to BNai Yisroel through the Psalmist and the
people at the time of hearing had a certain understanding that
was obviously very different to our way of thinking both in the
past and today. I mean, if you would transport yourself back
to London in the 1400s you would hardly
understand a word of the English they were speaking at that time,
for the language has changed so greatly. Even those, who have
never been, and would now go to a traditional Shakespeare play
today, will have problems in understanding it, proving that
language and understanding has changed so greatly over time.
course the children of Israel were overwhelmed by the
word and statement Olam which to them meant
His covenant would be eternal
never ending, just like the universe! And let us be honest, even
with all the technology available to us with all the exploration
of outer space and the depths of the oceans, etc, no one
can still measure or comprehend eternity!
was for that very reason that Elohim, blessed
be His Sanctified Name, gave Israel an insight to
what eternity could possibly be like for
obviously Israel had no comprehension of the immensity
of it, thus Psalmist said the Word He
commanded, for a thousand generations. You may think.
Well that does not say much about it being eternal. I
am sorry for anyone who thinks this, for you would be very wrong,
for remember we are speaking about those ancient times!
friends, I have another piece in this remarkable puzzle and that
is not just regarding Hebraic time that we need to understand,
BUT, we should all know that the Hebrew Alphabet are not
just letters, it is also the Hebrew Numerical system. I am
sure you will know the following, but for those who may not, let
me explain. For example A (Aleph) = 1,
and B (Beth) = 2, and so it goes on.
Thus, I would like to place before you details regarding the
duration that is quoted (a thousand generations, which I
pray you will find very interesting.
that time the Tehillim - Psalm was given, the
highest numerical denominator in the Hebrew alphabet was 1,000. Thus
it was just like Elohim was saying to His people Israel, My
Covenant will be for you as far as you can possibly count,
and one thousand for Israel was like saying as far as the stars
of heaven and more, it was like saying many millions,
billions, way beyond their comprehension. Considering
Elohim did not say 1,000 years, but then He even multiplied it by
1,000 when He said a thousand generations
and we know from the Word a thousand
generations remember one generation was then considered as
40 years! And thus, what Elohim was saying
to Israel here was this, My Covenant will be
for you not just as far as you can possibly count, but it is
multiplied by generations. Thus we are speaking
of 40,000 years. Can you just imagine it, this was
like saying forever these dessert people, and it frankly far
beyond our comprehension even today! Thus Elohim was
giving Yisroel an insight, a picture of what eternity could
possibly be like, and He did this by using the ultimate picture
by using what they had within their own language and their
numerical system that proved a scene of eternity!
this Tehillim Psalm 105:8 clearly proves that for example
the Torah Mitzvahs and the Ten Commandments are FOREVER!
Elohim, blessed be He,
spoke to His people in their understanding at that time!
what about the Ten Tribes:
study will prove the following, the factual truth
that the
so-called Ten Lost Tribes of Israel theory
is a hideous and an outrageous lie, and I am sorry, but I
will make my thoughts very clear on this! For the whole ideology
is and has been made up as a purposeful lie by countless
British Israelites, who are worldwide, in Europe
and America, as well as Australia and others who
are so terribly misguided. They are Christians of
various beliefs, but most believe in an evil lie that the
Ten tribes were lost. I have got bad news for
you know that the Word of Elohim, blessed be He, clearly
proves that ALL Twelve Tribes of Israel and they were also
present at the time when the Romans controlled Judah and
all Twelve Tribes are still with us today within our
communitys who have been scattered unto the four
corners of the earth. It is just sad we no longer remember
from which Tribe we are.
Praise Elohim that around nine
million Jews have now returned to Eretz Israel -
the Land of Israel and if we were indeed
lost then those who believe that the Ten Tribes were lost would
be calling Elohim, - blessed be His
Sanctified Name, a liar! A little later in this study, I will
absolutely prove; 1. That the teaching of the British Israelites
is completely erroneous for the Tanakh has the answer! 2.
That the Tanakh proves for a fact, that the Ten Tribes
were never lost.
truth is that the Tanakh makes it so VERY CLEAR, but, the sad
fact is, including the English Royal Family that
those those so-called British Israelites
tends to skip the facts,
is Israel?
might well say, We know who Israel is, for the
Word tells us that we came out Children of Yaaqov
- Jacobs Children, whom Elohim named Yisroel
- Israel. Elohim, - blessed be His Sanctified
Name, said to the children of Avraham to whom Elohim said;
will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as
the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the
seashore Bereshis - Genesis 22:17 (JPS).
have been told that a faithful remnant of Yisroel will
escape the wrath of Elohim in that time to come.
out of Yerushalayim - Jerusalem shall go forth a
remnant, and out of mount Tzion - Zion they
that shall escape; the zeal of of hosts (Heb; Tzaba)
shall perform this Melachim Bet - 2 Kings 19:31
it will be the faithful remnant that shall be counted as the
Yisroel of Elohim, being all those who love His Torah, and live a
life accordingly upon the earth.
we need to understand that faithful Jews and ex Gentiles
who have fully converted a Ger are both
fully part of Yisroel
are the Seed of Avraham?
here is a powerful Question - Is Avraham the father of
our faith? My answer I am sure will shock you, for it is
- NO he was NOT!
Was Avraham the first to have faith? Again, the answer
is NO!
line of faith began with Seth, Adams
third son and so was Enoch and Noach who
were in faith. However, Avraham is certainly counted as the
father of the Hebrew faith and nation. Thus, can one who was once
a Gentile and has converted and has become a Jew, automatically
becomes part of the faith of Avraham?
Has Elohim Divorced Israel?
have been certain Christians who have come to me over the years
and said; But does the Bible not make it clear that God was
so tired of His backsliding people that He finally gave up and he
divorced them, for it clearly states that in the book
of Jeremiah, and I am sure you will agree with that.
problem with all those so-called good and faithful Bible
readers and church goers is that they simply do not know or
understand those powerful 3 points I gave at the beginning of
this study.
us look, read and study the verse from Yirmyahu
Jeremiah in question!
I saw, when, forasmuch as backsliding Yisroel had committed
adultery, I had put her away and given her a bill of
divorcement, that yet treacherous Yehudah - Judah
her sister feared not; but she also went and played the
harlot Yirmyahu - Jeremiah 3:8 (JPS).
Has , the Elohim of Avraham,
- Isaac and Yaakov - Jacob, divorced Israel? The
answer is both YES and NO!
the great I AM, or Elohim, blessed
be His Sanctified Name, did divorced Israel, but only temporarily.
Thus not permanently as many believe.
you may ask, How can you possibly deduct this line
of reasoning for it sounds very confusing? It is
really very simple, for it comes straight from Elohims
wonderful Tanakh!
tragedy these days there are countless broken marriages and Elohim, - blessed be His Sanctified
Name, so well understands the heartache of those who grieve over
the devastating results of divorce. He also has suffered the
unfaithfulness of His wife Israel and He daily
longs for her RETURN! There are those who think that
if Israel were married to Elohim, she should have lived
happily ever after. Indeed that should be true and every
opportunity was certainly afforded to us.
Elohim had been the perfect Husband, one could hardly term their
relationship at that time as marital bliss. Elohim was the first
to admit that all was not well. In Yirmyahu - Jeremiah chapter
3, He reveals the sad truth, that even here, when He vividly
describes the shameful behaviour of His wife, He
immediately accompanies these revelations with a call for her
return. After reviewing Israels repeated acts of
adultery, sadly declares And
I saw ... I had put her away, and given her a BILL of
Hebrew Word for Divorce:
us look at the Word Elohim uses here for DIVORCE.
In Hebrew, it is KERITHUTH, which literally
translates to SEPARATE.
you will find that in the Tanakh there is also another word for
divorce, being garash, and
that word means, to be utterly removed - to be
cut off, divorced forever.
In fact, this word also has the meaning to expel,
and to do away with. This word is directly
related to a grave, being a scab.
As a scab is dead tissue, when it falls off it can never return.
Thus, the garash type of divorce in
the Tanakh means, to be cast away forever.
Praise that the word garash
was NOT used in Yirmyahu - Jeremiah 3:8 for
Elohim, blessed be He, clearly used the word, Kerithuth!
references for the word "Garash" are as follows,
Vayikra - Leviticus 21:14, and 22:13. Bamidbar -
Numbers 30:9. For "Kerith", Yirmyahu
- Jeremiah 3:8, Devarim - Deuteronomy 24:1 & 3,
and Yeshayahu - Isaiah 50:1.
Devarim - Deuteronomy 24, verses 1 to 4, where the word kerithuth
is used, we will obtain the full picture. If a man divorces his
wife, she may return to him at any time except if she has
remarried and has been divorced again. Elohim, blessed
be His Sanctified Name, divorced Israel only
to bring her to her senses and complete restoration will take
place. But, if she remarried another, Elohim could not have
her back. Israel, praise to our heavenly Father, has never
remarried another! Yes, she has played the harlot, but when she
repents and those who have repented will make full reconciliation
with her Husband!
let us look at another amazing scene that is given to us by our
heavenly Father in His Word.
After Eliyahu
- Elijah the prophet gave his amazing declaration of
great faith to King Ahab, Elohim, blessed be He, commanded him
to go to the brook of Kerith. What a
wonderful picture we see here. Because of Israels sin
worshipping Baal, Elohim would
let Israel suffer in the physical, with no rain, but also
in the spiritual, with the removal of Elohims Word, by
separating Eliyahu - Elijah to the brook of Kerith.
Now remember as we have learned Kerith means
to separate. However, this would not be a
permanent separation, for later Eliyahu - Elijah
was commanded to go back to the king and the nation with the Word
of Elohim, - blessed be His Sanctified
Heavenly Father who gave Israel a Bill
of Kerithuth in order to bring her back to her
senses, that restoration would take place. Through the
foreknowledge of Elohim, blessed be His
Sanctified Name, we know with certainty
that Israel will be RETURNED to HIM! What a
glorious glimpse of our Elohims love that is shown to us
here in the story of Eliyahu, For He made public His divorce, His
separation, yet He entreats Israel to Return to Him. (Please
Note: There is a Four Page Study on Eliyahu online, the link
is at the bottom of the page).
and proclaim these words toward the north and say RETURN
thou backsliding Israel says ; and I will not cause
mine anger to fall upon you. For I am merciful, says , and I will not keep anger
forever. Only acknowledge your iniquity, that thou have
transgressed against Elohim, and have
scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and
ye have not obeyed my voice, says . TURN, O backsliding
children, says , for I AM MARRIED TO
YOU, and I will take you one of a city, and two of a
family, and I will bring you to Zion. Yirmyahu
- Jeremiah 3:12 to 14.
insisted on one condition, RETURN (Hebrew, Shuv
Repent, Return) again unto Me (Yirmyahu
- Jeremiah 3:1 and Zecharyah Zechariah 1:3).
Restoration and restitution will be Israels happy
experience when she fulfils her Husband's just demands. You will
have noticed I pray that even during the period of
separation, refers to His status as
that of marriage with Israel! Again, the unbreakable Word of
Elohim gives this truth.
I will make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered
thee (Israel - ALL 12 Tribes), yet will I NOT
make a full end of thee. Yirmyahu - Jeremiah 30:11.
covenant with Israel will not be broken as stated
in Yirmyahu - Jeremiah 31:35 to 37.
says , who gives the
sun for a light by day, the ordinances of the moon and the stars
for a light by night, who disturbs the sea, and its waves
roar, of hosts is
His Name. If those ordinances depart from before Me,
says , then the seed
of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before
Me forever. Thus says : If heaven above can
be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out
beneath, I will also cast off all the seed
of Israel for all that they have done, says.
is imperative in these days that we rightly divide s Word of truth which
is found in our Tanakh. For we live in evil and troubled times.
there a powerful anti Jewish sentiment in the World?
Sadly yes
there is, for countless years going back in history to
this very day there are countless church leaders and teachers
teach that the Church has taken Israels place.
This doctrine is Babylonish for it suggests that Elohim
has put away His wife and has taken another. Believe me this kind
of teaching is being taught throughout a great deal of the Hyper and
general Charismatic churches around the
world. There are pastors like Kenneth Hagins Rhema Bible
Training Centre who use a book called The Eternal
Church by Bill Hamon, as a training manual. What
does it teach? It clearly states an evil lie of that the
Church is Israel and Heir to ALL of Israels
promises and that natural Israel has
been CUT OFF from Elohim and has no further place in
the prophetic scene.
the Ten Tribes of Israel lost?
is a christian group known as British
Israel as well within many churches that there is
great confusion regarding the so-called Ten
Lost Tribes Theories. The question we
should be asking ourselves, are the Ten Tribes
of Israel really lost? Have the Ten
Tribes become a part of an evil so called christian world,
yet it is being professed by so many churches these days?
me tell you right here and now that all twelve tribes
were well represented in Judea and Benjamin during the time of
the Romans having taken control, and I do mean the vast
majority of the people of Israel by that time had moved
there! Now, I can hear some of you say, there is no way on
earth that you can possibly know that, or better still
try and prove a word of what you are saying! To be
honest, if I had to rely on my own brain, I could not, but how
about the Tanakh that contains THE Word of Elohim, blessed be
His Sanctified Name, would the Tanakh satisfy you?
following truths are found in the following reading, and I
suggest that you read it and re-read it very carefully in order
that you will gain a full understanding of what our Elohim is
saying to you here, for it will astound you and provide
the TRUTH of the WORD!
the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Asa (king of
Judah), Basha the king of Yisrael - Israel came up
against Judah and built Ramah, to prevent anyone going out or
coming in to Asa the king of Judah. And Asa brought
silver and gold from the treasuries of the House of and of the kings
house and sent it to Ben-Hadad king of Aram, who ruled in
Damascus, saying, Let there be a covenant between you and
me, as there was between my father and your father. See, I have
sent you silver and gold. Come, break your covenant
with Basha king of Israel, so that he withdraws
from me. And Ben-Hadad listened to king Asa and
sent the commanders of his armies against the cities
of Israel, and they smote Iyon, and Dan,
and Abel Mayim, and all the storage cities
of Naphtali. And it came to be, when Basha heard
it, that he stopped building Ramah and ceased his work.
Then Asa the king brought all Judah and they
took away the stones and timber of Ramah, which Basha had
used for building. And with them he built Geba and Mitspah. Dibre HaYamin Bet
- 2 Chronicles 16:1 to 6.
story in brief:
the evil king Basha of Yisroel went to war with the
good king Asa of Yehudah - Judah, we know
this because he had been on the throne for 36 years, we should
know that all good and faithful kings had long reigns, whilst
evil ones died early and had short reigns! But because so many of
the faithful of Israel were leaving the land of what
was becoming pagan Israel and went to Judah. That
was why Basha commenced to build a massive wall at the
border town of Ramah to stop his people from leaving.
Thus king Asa, made an agreement with the king
of Damascus to assist him, which he did and
as Israel was too busy with the Syrians, Asa had
the wall broken down and he built two whole towns from its rubble
that was constructed from that huge wall!
we know of course, upon the death of King Shlomo -
Solomon the Hebrew nation split into two kingdoms, Yehudah - Judah
and Benjamin) and Yisroel - Israel having the Ten
Tribes. The two-tribe nation remained faithful much longer
than Israel. Yet in the nation
of Israel there were many who had remained faithful to
the Elohim of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya'akov, thus we in
the Word we see that a massive Exodus took place. This Exodus had
so angered Basha, the King of Israel at that time,
that he fortified the border town of Ramah to stop
the flow of the faithful Israelites into Yehudah. The rest
we have already learned above!
the point is that there was a large population explosion
in Judah from the additional intake
from Israel over an extended period of time. But, how
do we know that the numbers were as extensive?
be honest, this can be judged from the simple fact that, when Israel was
taken captive there were only 17,000-armed men taken captive. However
in Judah around the same time it was a massive number
of 307,500-armed men that was taken captive. Thus, there
is no doubt that we can clearly see that Yehudah - Judah at
that time also represented many of the Twelve Tribes.
also read in the Tanakh that many towns in Israel fell
rapidly mostly because they were almost deserted. It is a simple
fallacy to say that the ten tribes disappeared in Assyria or
migrated to Europe to re-emerge in Britain and thus,
that hideous lie which those evil so-called British
Israelites created. The truth is when
people reject the TRUTH, which is found in the
Word of Elohim,
blessed be His Sanctified Name, they will so readily
accept a lie, and they will use all sorts of writings which
is completely out of context to justify their theories, and
remember, a theory is not a fact, but the Word of Elohim, - blessed be His
Sanctified Name, is factual! Thus, Judah was
bursting with the best of the Twelve Tribes.
organisations such as the so called British Israel as
well as a some of other Christian churches who firmly believe and
preach that the Ten Tribes of Israel were lost, thus
whilst I was doing a search, I was amazed that in their their own
writings, being the New Testament (NT) I found
something that corroborated what I have been saying. Although it
is not a source I would normally quote, but I am will use two
quotations as it obviously states that individuals of the Ten
Tribes were clearly present in Yehudah - Judah at that
time they are speaking about. Thanks to their very own writings,
I decided to use it. And it is quite clear that those supposed
lost tribes were obviously represented in Judah
at the very time some one was supposed to be there!
NT states there was a lady by the name of Anna who
had faithfully and continually prayed at the Temple;
there was one, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel of
the tribe of Asher Luke 2:36 (NKJV).
according to many, this tribe was one of the lost Ten Tribes and
ended up somewhere in Europe or wherever they wanted
them to be, yet here she and her family, wake up you
British Israel and all others who believe your
rubbish, she and her family was in Judah, thus she and her
family was not lost in England or anywhere else. The Tanakh
clearly tells us that huge numbers had fled via Ramah to Judah.
Also interestingly one who is
named Ya'akov - James commences a
letter in the New Testament (NT) with the following words;
- James
a servant to the Twelve Tribes that reside
in Gentile lands. Yaakov - James 1:1. (A
literal word-by-word translation).
the TWELVE TRIBES that reside in Gentile lands, did you
note that he did not say To the Ten Tribes for
obviously he knew a lot more than what these churches know
thousands of years later, who continue to claim that the Ten
Tribes were lost. No, Yaakovs statement is
inline with what Elohim had clearly stated in His Word, that due
to their sins, He would scatter the Children
of Israel (from all of the Twelve Tribes) to the four
corners of the earth and restore them again to their land
towards the end times. And the largest dispersion
would have been around 70 CE
the point is this; all the above very clearly illustrates and
proves that ALL of the Twelve Tribes of ISRAEL were
clearly represented in Yehudah - Judah 400 years
after the exile when Rome ruled, and they insult us by renaming
our land Palaestina!
Elohim, blessed, will always keep His Word;
yet for all that, when they are in the land of their
enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor
them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My covenant
with them; for I am their Elohim.
But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their
ancestors, whom I brought forth out of
the land of Egypt in the sight of the
nations, that I might be their Elohim: I am . Vayikra - Leviticus
26:44 & 45 (JPS version of the Torah).
will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as
the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Bereshis -
Genesis 22:17.
the whole idea of the stars and the sand, etc, would have seemed
to be massive, but Avraham would never have placed a number to
it. But that was in Bereshis - Genesis. Did you know
that by the time we reach the Book of Devarim - Deuteronomy
chapter 1, Moshe - Moses makes a clear statement that the
Word given to Avraham in Bereshis - Genesis had already
been fulfilled!
Now, you ask, How can that be possible,
for Israel would surely still grow thereafter.
But in Moshes eyes, the nation was as the Stars of
heaven. Look at the following Scripture!
your Elohim hath
multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the stars
of heaven for multitude. , the Elohim of your fathers,
make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless
you, as He hath promised you! Devarim - Deuteronomy
1:10-11. (JPS).
is Israel?
are all the Twelve Tribes of Israel, according s promises, we Yisroel
Israel, all twelve tribes will be restored upon the
mountains of Israel and to the city
of David Yerushalayim - Jerusalem.
Ephraim. Judah.
Mannasah. Benjamin.
Studies is online for just a single purpose; to see as many
Yidden return to our one and only Torah/Tanakh and uphold the
Mitzvahs to the best of your ability. It will be a blessing
if you would keep our blessed Shabbas and light the Shabbat and
the Yom Tovim candles and keep them as days of rest and prayer.
But not to forget, it is a blessing to keep Kosher, as it is all
readably available these days.
unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith of hosts Malochi
Malachi 3:7 (JPS).
always remember our motto seen on the logo above: The
More Torah, the More Life, for Elohim, - blessed be His
Sanctified Name, is the one who gave us Life!
Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben Avraham-Goossens, PhD.
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the Rabbi does not believe in having to copyright any of hs
studies, but there have been occasions where some of his studies
have been partially copied and quoted out of context under his
name, and thus he has been misquoted by those who have their own
agenda and they have reasons for doing so, to bend the truth of
Elohims blessed Word!
1983 - 2025 © hebraicstudies - All rights reserved
by Rabbi
Reuven Ben Avraham-Goossens PhD, Dr.