Parashat Emor
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Please Note: On this page I will show the four letter blessed *“Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit - - Y-H-V-H, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem”. At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the Name, we should say “blessed be His Sanctified Name.”
*“This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.
On this site I will mostly use a version based on the “Jewish Publication Society” Tanakh (JPS)
Parashat Emor
Vayikra - Leviticus Chapters 21 to and Including 24
Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham.
This week’s Torah portion contains details about the priests. There were of course extra requirements to serve as a priest. It was not only a matter of birth. For example:
“And spoke
unto Moshe, saying: Speak unto Acharon - Aaron, saying: Whosoever he be of thy
seed throughout their generations that hath a blemish, let him not approach to
offer the bread of his Elohim. For whatsoever man he be
that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that anything
maimed, or anything too long, or a man that is broken-footed, or
broken-handed, or crook-backed … or that hath his eye
overspread” Vayikra - Leviticus
21:16-20 (JPS version of the
This appears objectionable. Of course in
the Synagogue we would also welcome the disabled, who are able up to the
Bima. I believe all should have a Bar Mitzvah. Jewish law suggests
that only those who have the requisite understanding can recite the Prayers or
read from the Torah. Therefore someone who is mentally incapacitated is
prevented from the rituals. But I believe we make sure that every child
has the opportunity even with assistance or they are Jews! I feel that even an
autistic child should have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and the Bima should be open to
all, for it is not the “
I certainly do not disagree with the
Torah’s restrictions for there are good reasons when it comes in sacred
But again, if we look not at the specifics of
the list perhaps we can uncover meaning for ourselves. I believe that we
should expect far more from our leaders, for our leaders should live according
to more stringent standards. While they may not shave their beards, we should
mind very much if we find them drinking and partying long into the night and
behaving, rather poorly to say the least. Those who have extra
responsibilities must live according to more exacting standards. That is
the point of the Torah’s restrictions. For the ancients the priest in
those days was as important to the people as a top surgeon is in our own
age. Extra responsibilities means extra standards and that is the message
in a nutshell.
This is why we should expect more from our
politicians and expect them to live by higher standards. Although, I am
not surprised when powerful people go astray, we need only think of those
indiscretions that take place in high places to illustrate this point. Or we
can look at King Dovid’s sinful behaviour at a time, for an
example. The written disappointment in David should mirror our
own. Just because we are not surprised by such behaviour does not mean
that it is permissible. More responsibility means more standards. I
repeat, that is the message.
It is why I also expect more of our country
than of other countries. The mission of
This is also why even though I am bothered
when others, most newspapers’ columnists, hold
That is the message of these lists regarding
the restrictions with the priests and the countries we live in. But it is not
just about our country, but also about our leaders. The truth is, it is
actually about all of us. When Elohim, blessed be He, first spoke to the
Israelites at Sinai, He said that our people were to be;
“Ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation” Shemot - Exodus 19:6 (JPS).
Back to Emor we read in Vayikra - Leviticus chapter 22;
“And ye shall keep My commandments, and
do them: I am . And ye shall not profane My Holy Name;
but I will be hallowed among the Children of Israel: I am who hallow you that brought you out of the
What does all this really mean for us? We are
Jews, and therefore we are obliged that every one of us must work to live by
these standards and do so by the best of our abilities. OK, we are not perfect,
but that does not mean we cannot work harder to become closer with our beloved
Creator and do His will!
The lesson really is that every single one of
us must try and live by higher standards and we must live by more exacting
structures in our lives. For our everyday moral choices really do matter.
For we never really know who might be watching
and who might be following us. Each and every day every one of us is a
leader. We never know if our lives might depend on it. We never know,
the world could very well depend on us. Everything could really depend on
each of us living by these exacting standards. We are called to be “a
kingdom of priests and a holy nation” thus somehow we are here to set a
standard to the world, are you up to that?
That has been this week’s message. Let’s step up and not shy away from these exacting standards, let’s be a little more demanding and live by more stringent ideals day by day!
Shabbat Shalom.
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