Hebraic Studies - Kabbala Part 2 - with
Dr. Reuben Ben-Avrahan
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Doctorates are as follows:
1. of Literature, 2. of
Philosophy, 3. of Hebrew Literature/Letters.
4. of Hebrew Studies. 5. of Hebrew (Jewish) Studies.
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Note: on this page and site I will be showing the most blessed four
letter *“Memorial Name” of our beloved Creator in Ivrit -
Y-H-V-H, blessed be His Sanctified Name, which we usually pronounce
as “Adonai” or “HaShem” prior the
destruction of the Second Temple.
However at all times please treat the most blessed Name with great Sanctity,
and when we even see the Holy Name, we should say “Blessed be His
Sanctified Name.
the site I will use a version based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS)
of the Torah/Tanakh (Torah-Law/Nevi’im-Prophets/Ketuvim-Writtings).
But Please Note: Some verse numbers may vary in some
version’s of non Jewish Bibles.
*“This is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15. (JPS version
of the Torah).
Kabbala - PART TWO
central point of the later Kabbala was most intense expectation of the Moshiach; Isaac Luria and Chaim Vital, and their disciples and followers proclaimed
anew, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
peculiar redemption was to precede and accompany it - the redemption of the
scattered elements of the original soul (Nizuzoth) from
the fetters of original evil, the demon nature (Kelifoth),
(Heavenly Father forgive me for even writing this) which was taking a hold on
men through the fall of the angels or divine elements, held them in captivity,
impeded their upward flight, and necessitated the perpetual transmigration of
souls from body to body.
portion of these Gnostic teachings, when combined with Zoroastrianism,
furnished Man with his particular doctrine of the original man. He
even retains the Jewish designations “Adam Kadmon”
and “Nakhash Kadmon”.
soon as the evil spirit was either consumed, annihilated, rendered powerless,
or at least existed by itself without admixture of the divine, then the Kabbalistic order (Olam
ha-Tikkun) would prevail, streams of mercy
would pour forth without let or hindrance upon the lower world through the
channels of the Sefiroth, and fructify and
miraculously quicken it.
work of redemption can be accomplished by every truly pious man (Tzadok), who
having an enlightened soul, and being initiated into the Kabbala, stands in
close union with the world of spirits, comprehends the connection between the
upper and lower world, and fulfils all religious exercises (Kewanoth) with
concentrated devotion and with due regard to their influence upon the higher
more effectually the Messiah, the son of David, will accomplish the
annihilation of demoniacal powers and the restoration of lost souls, or rather
the collection of the scattered elements of the universal soul of Adam. For to the Messiah, in whom dwells a pure, immaculate soul, are
unfolded the mysterious depths of the higher worlds essences, and a divine
creation, even the Divine Being Himself.
The Kabbalilist’s believe that …
“Adam Kadmon’ is the ‘keter’ - Keter.jpg - the (crown) the topmost of
the sephirot of the Tree of the of Life in Kabbalah.
The Messiah of the seed of David would, to a certain extent, be the original
man (‘Adam Kadmon’) an incarnate, part of the” – “Read the mysticism dazzled by the bewildered brain of
the Smyrna youth, and produced such confusion and giddiness, that he
thought he could easily usher in this spiritual redemption, which would be
immediately followed by that of the body. In what manner this haughty wish to
play the part of a Messiah germinates and breaks forth in enthusiastic minds,
is an impenetrable riddle. Sabbataï Zevi was not the first to believe he was able to reverse
the whole order of the world, by ridiculous mystical hocus-pocus, and partly to
succeed in the endeavour.”
it is that the extravagant notions entertained by certain crazy occultist Jews
with regard to the near approach of the time of grace worked upon Sabbatai’s and that weak Lurian brain.
That book of falsehoods, the Zohar, declared that in
the year of the world 5408 (Jewish year 1648 CE) the era of redemption would
dawn, and precisely in that year Sabbataï revealed
himself to his followers of youthful companions as being the Messianic
redeemer. It happened in an apparently insignificant manner, but the mode of
revelation was of great import to the initiated. Sabbataï
Zevi even uttered the full four lettered name of El
in Hebrew (YHVH, the Tetragrammaton - but uttered it
incorrectly as it was the old rabbinic edition) without
hesitation, although this was strictly prohibited in the Talmud and by the
usage of ages “thus the priests were cursed” - Malachi 2:2 (JPS).
The Kabbalists attached all sorts of mystical importance to
this prohibition. They claimed incorrectly that during the dispersion of
When Sabbataï Zevi permitted himself
to pronounce the false name of god in full, he officially proclaimed
that the time of grace had begun with him. This proves what utter rubbish
occurred within the
Jewish community, and sadly due to the Kabbala, being a part of the occult
there is so much more!
Also Read - The-Kabbala-Part-One
vast majority of the Text was by Rabbi Heinrich (Hirch)
Graetz, with emendations by this sites
Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham.
remember our motto seen on the image above: “The More Torah, the More Life” For Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, is the
one who gave us our Life!
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