Hebraic Studies - Are you Dieting?
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Note: On this
page I may show the four letter blessed *“Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit - - Y-H-V-H, which we
usually pronounce as “Adonai” or
At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the
Name, we should say “blessed be His Sanctified Name.”
is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all
generations.” Shemot - Exodus
The truth is “You are what you eat!”
But sadly there are many Jews that take their Jewishness just like that lady took her diet. Serving Elohim, blessed be He, is fine - providing it does not get in the way of the things I want to do.
Everyone who has ever dieted knows that self-control and restraint is necessary in order to lose weight. Those who have read the Torah also know that the natural inclinations of the self, is as opposed to the will of Elohim, as chocolate and regular meals are to dieting. We cannot be good Jews and be slaves to the “I, me, and myself” all at the same time.
aspects of our lives need strengthening
Torah study and good deeds: The Torah says;
“Only be strong and very
courageous, to observe to do according to all the Torah”. Yahushua -
Be strong in Torah study and very courageous
in good deeds. Of Yahushua -
“Yahushua the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the Tent. (he loved prayer and studying the Law)” Shemot - Exodus 33:11.
Now if Elohim told Yahushua that he must strengthen himself in studying the Law, how much more so must we all do?
The Torah warned
if you will not listen to Me and will not perform all of these commandments,
and if you reject My decrees and abhor My laws and fail to carry out all My
commands and violate My covenant, then I will do this …” - “ (Y-H-V-H) will scatter you among all the
peoples … among these nations you shall find no ease…” -
“When they confess their sins, and the sins of their forefathers, for the
treachery they betrayed Me …” - Then will I remember My covenant
with Ya’akov - Jacob, and My covenant with Yitzchak - Isaac, and also My covenant with Avraham will I remember; and I will remember
the land …” - “But despite all this, while they will be in
the land of their enemies, I will not have been revolted by them nor will I
have rejected them to destroy them, or annul My covenant with them, for I am their Elohim” Vayikra - Leviticus 26:14-16,
40, 42, 44 & Davarim - Deuteronomy) 28: 64-65.
Out of the 168 hours, that we may have spent over the past week, and how many hours were spent for your own pleasure and how many hours were spent in prayer, and/or Torah Study? As we well know, time spent watching TV or sport can only be charged to our own pleasure. If our days are spent working or keeping house, just as our neighbours spend their days, and our free time is taken up with the trivial pleasures of life, how then are we unlike the world? Our beloved Creator commanded us to be different!
I am well aware that this type of self-examination may be uncomfortable, but how much better that we ask ourselves this question now, than wait until Elohim, blessed be He, calls us before Him to ask what we have done for Him? If our life is not different to those in the world, then how can our lives be described as priests, for remember that we are meant to be …
“Ye will hearken unto My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be Mine
own treasure from among all peoples.” Shemot -
Exodus 19:6.
We should be spiritually trim and fit today. Present yourself fit in the sight of Elohim, blessed be He. Acknowledge your failures, and with Teshuvah return to the Elohim and study His wonderful Torah!
For those who have not been to Shul for a long time, yet you have a yearning to learn more about the Torah and grow in being a good and faithful Jew, why not contact your local Rabbi.
And remember our motto seen on the logo at the top of this page: “The More Torah, the More Life”, for Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, is the one who gave us our Life!”
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