Hebraic Studies - Guide to Daily Prayers

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A Guide to Daily Prayers

With Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham

Please do NOT visit this site on Shabbat or on a Yom Tov (Feasts)!



The prayers in this guide are provided as a general guide. All prayers are closely based on the Siddur. Having decided to say your prayers, you should pray unto HaSHEM, to lead you closer to His blessed Torah. May the beauty of the Torah fill those who “love HaSHEM their Elohim, with all their hearts and all their being”!

Sadly many Jews did not have the opportunity to attend Cheder, and therefore have not learned Ivrit (Hebrew). For those not proficient in Hebrew, we have placed transliterations below the Hebrew, followed by the English translation. Please read the conclusion of this guide for our thoughts regarding prayer.

This guide includes various blessings, and other prayers, however it is far from complete. We do ask that you say the “Shema Yisroel” twice each day and daven (pray) three times per day, whenever possible.

May HaSHEM richly bless you as you lift up your voice unto Him!


1.  Upon Waking, or Rising from bed.

2.  The first washing of the hands.

3.  Putting on the “Tzittzit”.

4.  Washing of Hand at other times.

5.  Donning the Tallit.

6.  Before & after Reading the Torah.

7.  Reading the “Shema” Davarim / Deut 6:4.

8.  Shabbat service at home & Kiddush.

9.  Upon Retiring.

10. Various blessings.

11. Fixing the Mezuzah.

12. A Song (Psalm) for each Day.

13. Wayfarer’s Prayer.

14. Conclusion.

Simply go through this guide and find the blessings that you wish to commence with! But please try to include the lighting of the Shabbas Candles and the Kiddush, for it will make your Shabbat so meaningful!

Train yourself to pray each day, and your life will gain a new focus of being a Jew, of those near you, and the world in general!


Also Available, is a Guide to Laying Tefillin


I suggest that you use the link towards the bottom of this page.


(1) Upon rising …

Please try to make the following your first conscious thought of the day, and the first words you speak.


Mo'deh  Ani  Le’pha’neey’cha  Melech  Chai  Ve’ka’yam  She’he’che’zar’ta  Bi nish’ma’ti  Be’chem’la  Ra’Bah E’moo’na’te’cha.

I give thanks before You, O mighty King, the Eternal one, for You have returned unto me my soul. Your compassion is abundant, as is Your faithfulness!

ALSO SAY … “Thank You for giving me life. Thank You for placing a soul within me and making my existence significant. Thank You for putting me on earth with a distinct and unique mission: to bring Your presence into my corner of the universe.”


(2) Upon first washing of hands

Go and wash your hands (and face). Upon washing the hands say …


Ba’ruch  Shem  Ka’vod  Mal’chu’to  Le’olam  Va’ed.

Blessed be His Name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever!

(3) Donning the “Tzittzit” (fringes)

 (For those who wear the Tallit Katan)


Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’mitz’vo’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Al  Mitz’vat  Tzitzit.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us regarding the wearing of the tzitzit (fringes).

Also say …

May it be Your will, HaSHEM my Elohim, and the Elohim of the fathers of Israel, that the commandments of the Tzitzis be worthy before You, as I had fulfilled it in all details, implications, and intentions, as well as the six hundred thirteen commandments that are dependant upon it.



(4) Before washing of Hands (at other times)


Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’mitz’va’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Al  Ne’ti’lat  Ya’da’yim.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has sanctifies us with His commandments and has commanded us regarding the washing of the hands.



(5) Donning the Tallit



“Baruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Melech  Ha’Olam  Asher  Kid’shanu  Be’mitz’vo’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Le’hit’a’tef  Ba’tzi’zit

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elhim, King of the Universe, who has Sanctified us by Your commandments, and have commanded us to enwrap ourselves in the fringed garment.”



(6) Blessings before, and after reading the Torah / Parashat

Before the Reading.


Ba’rachu  Et  HaSHEM  Ham’vo’rach.

Bless HaSHEM who is to blessed.

Baruch  HaSHEM  Ham’vo’rach  Le’olam  Va’ed

Blessed be HaSHEM, who is to be blessed forever and ever.

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Ba’char  Ba’nu  Mi’kol  Ha’a’mim  Ve’na’tan  La’nu  Et  Tora’to. Baruch Ata HaSHEM No’ten  Ha’Torah.

Blessed are You, O HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the universe, who has chosen us out of all the people and have given us your blessed Torah, and the Tenach. Blessed are You HaSHEM, Giver of the Torah and Tenach.

After the reading.

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Na’tan  La’nu  Torat  E’met  Ve’chai’yeh  O’lam  Na’ta  Be’to’che’nu.  Baruch Ata HaSHEM No’ten  Ha’torah.

Blessed are You, O HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the universe, who has given us Your Word of truth, and have planted everlasting life in our midst.

Blessed are You HaSHEM, Giver of the Torah and Tenach.



(7) The Shema – (Davarim / Deut 6:4)

(Say the “Shema” three times per day, morning,
evening, and just prior going to sleep)

Ba’rachu  Et  HaSHEM  Ham’vo’rach.

Bless HaSHEM, who is to be blessed.

She’ma  Yis’roel  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu,  HaSHEM  Echad.

Hear O Israel, HaSHEM our Elohim, HaSHEM is ONE!

Ba’ruch  Shem  Ka’vod  Mal’chu’to  Le’olam  Va’ed.

Blessed be His Name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever.

Read Davarim (Duet) 6:5 to 9. 


(8) Shabbat Service at Home & Kiddush

Lighting the Sabbath Lights

Before sunset (at the appointed time in your area) the lady of the house lights the Sabbath candles. (A man may do so, if no lady is present) After lighting, shield your eyes and say …

Baruch ata HaSHEM Elohenu Me’lech Ha’olam A’sher Kid’sha’nu Be’mitz’vo’tav Le’had’lik ner Shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the universe, who has instructed us on the lighting of the Sabbath lights.

Please Note: The truth is that nowhere in the Torah are we “instructed,” or “commanded” to “light the Sabbath lights,” this custom was added by the rabbis. For this reason, I have also provided an alternative blessing, which you may use instead.

Blessed is HaShem our Elohim, King of the universe, who instructed us to light the Menorah in the Temple. We light these Sabbath lights as a representation of the Menorah. May these lights fill our home with Sabbath Peace.

The Blessing of Children

On the eve of the Sabbath, and Festivals it is customary for parents to pronounce the following blessing upon their children. The placing of both hands on the head of your child, is a loving symbol of transmitting the Spirit of Elohim, even as the Blessing itself linked the generation in piety and affection.

Blessing for the son …


Sons:  Ye’sim’cha  Elohim  Ke’ef’ra’im  Ve’chim’na’sheh.

May Elohim make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.

Blessing for the daughter …



Daughters:  Ye’si’mech  Elohim  Ke’Sarah  Riv’kah  Ra’chel Ve’le’ah.

May Elohim make you like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah.

Blessing for the son & daughter …


Sons and Daughters:  Ye’va’re’cha  HaSHEM  Ve’yish’me’recha – Ya’er  HaSHEM  Pa’nav  E’Le’Cha  Ve’chu’ne’cha – Yi’sa  HaSHEM  Pe’nav  El’Le’cha  Ve’ya’sem  Le’cha  Shalom.

HaSHEM bless you, and keep you, HaSHEM make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May HaSHEM turn His face unto you, and give you peace.


The following is said by the head of the house, before partaking of the Sabbath meal.


Bereshis (Genesis) 2:1-3

Yom  Ha’shi’shi.  Vay’chu’lu  Ha’sha’mayim  Ve’ha’aretz  Ve’chol  Tze’va’am  Vay’chal  Elohim  Ba’yom  Hash’vi’i  Me’Lach’to Asher  Asah  Va’yish’bot  Ba’yom  Hash’vi’i  Mikol  Me’Lach’to  Asher  AsahVay’va’rech  Elohim  et Yom  Hash’vi’i  Vay’kadesh  oto ki  vo Shavat  Mikol  Me’lach’to  Asher Bara Elohim La’a’sot.

The sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their hosts. On the seventh day Elohim completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. And Elohim blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it He rested from all His work, which Elohim had created and made.

Take the cup of wine and say …



Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Pre  Ha’gafen.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who created the fruit of the vine. (all take a sip).

The Washing of Hands

Have a jug of water with a bowl handy. All wash their hands ritually, and say …

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’mitz’vo’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Al  Ne’ti’lat  Ya’da’yim.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us regarding the washing of the hands.

Continue …

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’Mitz’vo’tav  Ve’ra’tza  Va’nu  Ve’shabat  Kad’sho  Be’a’ha’vah  Uv’ra’tzon  Hin’chi’lanu  Zi’ka’ron  Le’ma’a’se  Be’rey’shis  ki  hu  yom  Te’chi’lah  Le’mik’ra’ey  Ko’desh  Ze’cher  Li’tzi’at  Mitz’ra’im  ki Va’nu  Be’char’ta  Ve’o’ta’nu  Ki’dash’ta  Mi’kol  Ha’a’mim  Ve’shabat  Kad’she’cha  Be’a’ha’vah  Uv’ra’tzon  Hin’chal’ta’nu  Ba’ruch  Atah  HaSHEM  Mi’ka’desh  Ha’Shabat.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has hallowed us by Your commandments and has taken pleasure in us, and in love and favour have given us Your holy Sabbath as an inheritance, a memorial of the creation, that day also the first of the holy convocations, in remembrance of the departure from Egypt. For You have chosen us and hallowed us above all nations, and in love and favour have given us Your holy Sabbath as an inheritance. Blessed are You, HaSHEM, who hallowest the Sabbath.

Blessing of the bread

Have two loves (or buns) of bread. Hold up and say …


Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Ha’motzie  Le’chem  Min Ha’a’retz.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Cut the bread and sprinkle a little salt on it, all to eat a piece. Eat your meal – we recommend that you say Grace after the meal

(At the conclusion of the Shabbat if possible say the Havdalah (the outgoing of the Shabbat). The Siddur contains the order and prayers. If you have no Siddur, contact your local Synagogue, and they will assist you).



(9) Prayers upon retiring

When going to bed, it is good to pray and seek Elohim, and thank Him for all our blessings!


Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Yom  Va’lai’lah  Go’lel  Or  Mip’nay  Ha’shech  Ve’cha’shech  Mip’nay  Or  Baruch  Ata HaSHEM Ha’ma’a’riv  A’ra’vim.

Blessed are You, O HaSHEM, our Elohim, King of the universe, who created day and night. You roll away the light from before the darkness, and the darkness from before the light. Blessed are You HaSHEM, who bringest on the evening twilight.


She’ma  Yis’roel  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu,  HaSHEM  E’chad.

Hear O Israel, HaSHEM our Elohim HaSHEM is ONE!

Ba’ruch  Shem  Ka’vod  Mal’chu’to  Le’olam  Va’ed.

Blessed be His name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever.

Ve'a'hav'ta  Et HaSHEM  Elohe'cha  Be'chol  Le'vav'cha  Uv'chal  Naf'she'cha  Uv'chal Me'o'decha.

And you shall love HaSHEM, your Elohim, with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your being.

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Ha’ma’pil  Chev’ley  She’na  Al  Ay’nai  Ut’nu’mah  Al  Af’a’pay.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who makes the bands of sleep fall upon my eyes, and slumber upon my eyelids.

Vi’hi  Ra’tzon  Mi’li’fa’ney’cha  HaSHEM  Elo’Chai  Ve’lo’hey  A’vo’tay  She’tash’ki’vey’ni  le’shalom  Ve’ta’a’mi’de’ni  Le’shalom.

May it be Your will HaSHEM my Elohim, and the Elohim of Israel, to let me lie down in peace, and to let me rise up again in peace.

Be’ya’de’cha  Af’kid  Ru’Chi  Pa’di’tah  O’ti  HaSHEM El  E’met.

Into Your hand, I command my spirit, for You have redeemed me, O HaSHEM, Elohim of truth.


(10) Various Blessings

Before washing of Hands

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’mitz’vo’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Al  Ne’ti’lat  Ya’da’yim.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us regarding the washing of the hands.

Before - Wine & Grape Juice

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Pre  Ha’gafen.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who created the fruit of the vine.

Before - Bread

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Ha’mot’zie  Le’chem  Min Ha’a’retz.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who bringest forth bread from the earth.

Before - Fruits from the Tree

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Pri  Ha’etz.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.

Before - Fruits (Veg) from the Earth

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Pri  Ha’a’da’ma.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who creates the fruits of the earth.

Before - Fish, Eggs, Cheese, drinks (not wine), etc

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  She’ha’kol  Ni’yeh  Bid’va’ro.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, by whose Word all things exist.

Upon smelling fragrant Trees & Flowers

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  Bo’re  Is’vot  Be’sa’mim.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who creates fragrant plants.



(11) Fixing the Mezuzah 

Ba’ruch  Ata  HaSHEM  Elo’hey’nu  Me’lech  Ha’olam  A’sher  Kid’sha’nu  Be’mitz’vo’tav  Ve’tzi’va’nu  Lik’bo’a  Mezuzah.

Blessed are You, HaSHEM our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us to affix the Mezuzah.



(12) A Song (Psalm) for each Day

The Psalms are in English only


1st Day

The Levites recited this Psalm in the Holy Temple on the 1st day (Sunday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 24

A Psalm of David. HaSHEM is the earth, and its fullness; the inhabited land and those who dwell in it. For He founded it upon the seas, and established it upon rivers. Who may ascend to the mountain of HaSHEM, and who may stand in the place of His sanctity? One with clean hands and a pure heart; who has not sworn in vain by My soul, and has not sworn deceitfully. He will receive a blessing from HaSHEM and just kindness from the Elohim of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, those who strive for your presence, O Ya'a'kov, Selah. Raise up your heads, O gates, and be uplifted, you everlasting entrances, so that the King of Glory may enter. Who is the King of Glory” HaSHEM, the mighty and strong: HaSHEM, the strong in battle. Raise up your heads, O gates, and raise up, you everlasting entrances, so that the King of Glory may enter. Who is He, the King of Glory, HaSHEM, Master of Legions, He is the King of Glory, Selah!

2nd Day

This is the 2nd Day of the Sabbath (Monday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 48

A song, a Psalm, by the sons of Korah. Great is HaSHEM and much praised, in the city of our Elohim, mount of His Holiness, fairest of sites, joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, by the northern side of the great king’s city. In her palaces Elohim is known as the Stronghold. For behold the kings assembled, they came together. They saw and were indeed astounded. They were confounded and fled in haste. Trembling gripped them there, convulsions like a woman in birth travail. With an east wind You smashed the ships of Tarshish. As we heard, so we saw in the city of HaSHEM, Master of Legions, in the city of our Elohim, may Elohim establish it to eternity, Selah. We hoped O Elohim, in Your kindness in the midst of Your Sanctuary. Like Your Name O Elohim, so is Your praise: to the ends of the earth.  Righteousness fills Your right hand. May Mount Zion be glad, May the daughters of Judah rejoice, because of Your judgements. Walk about Zion and encircle her, count her towers. Mark well in your hearts her ramparts, raise up her palaces, that you may recount it to the succeeding generation. For this is Elohim, our Elohim forever and ever, He will guide us forever.

3rd Day

This is the 3rd Day of the Sabbath (Tuesday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 83

A Psalm of Asaph. Elohim stands in the Divine assembly, in the midst of Judges shall He judge. Until when will you judge lawlessly and favour the presence of the wicked, Selah. Dispense justice for the needy and the orphan, vindicate the poor and impoverished. Rescue the needy and destitute, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They do not know nor do they understand, they walk in darkness: all the foundations of the earth collapse. I said, You are angelic, sons of the Most High are you all. But like men you shall die, and like one of the princes you shall fall. Arise O G-d, judge the earth for You shall seek Your inheritance among the nations.

4th Day

This is the 4th Day of the Sabbath (Wednesday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 94:1 & 95:3

O vengeance, HaSHEM, O Elohim of vengeance, appear. Arise O Judge of the earth, render recompence to the haughty. Until when will the wicked, O HaSHEM , until when will the wicked exult? They speak freely, they utter malicious falsehood, they glorify themselves, all the doers of iniquity. Your nation, HaSHEM, they crush, and they afflict Your heritage.  The widow and the stranger they slay, and the orphans they murder. And they say, ‘Elohim will not see, nor will the Elohim of Ya’a’kov understand.’ Understand you boors among the people, and you fools, when will you gain wisdom?  He Who implants the ear, will He not hear? Will He Who fashions the eye not see? He Who chastises nations, will He not rebuke? It is He Who teaches man knowledge. HaSHEM knows the thoughts of men, that they are futile. Praiseworthy is the man whom Elohim disciplines, and whom You teach from Your Torah, to give him rest from the days of evil, while a pit is dug for the wicked. For HaSHEM will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His heritage. For justice shall revert to righteousness, and following it will be all of upright heart Who will rise up for me evildoers, Who will stand up for me against the evildoers of iniquity? Had HaSHEM not been a help to me, my soul would soon have dwelt in silence. If I said, ‘My foot falters.” Your kindness, HaSHEM, supported me. When my forebodings were abundant within me, Your comforts cheered my soul. Can the throne of destruction be associated with you? - those who fashion evil into a statute. They join together against the soul of the righteous, and the blood of the innocent they condemn. Then HaSHEM became a stronghold for me, and my Elohim, the Rock of my refuge. He turned upon them own violence, and with their own evil He will cut them off. HaSHEM our G-d, will cut them off.

Psalm 95:1-3

Come let as sing to HaSHEM, let us call our to the Rock of our salvation/ Let us greet Him with thanksgiving, with praiseful songs let us call out to Him. For a great Elohim is HaSHEM, and a great King above all heavenly powers.

5th Day

This is the 5th Day of the Sabbath (Thursday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 81

For the conductor, on the gittis (a musical instrument), by Asaph. Sing joyously to the Elohim of our strength, call out to the Elohim of Ya’a’kovRaise up a song and sound the drum, the sweet harp with the lyre. Blow the shofar at the moon’s renewal, at the time appointed for our festive day. Because it is a decree for Yisroel, a judgment (day) for the Elohim of Ya’a’kov. He appointed as a testimony for Yoseph when he went out over the land of Egypt, when I hears a language unknown to me. (Elohim said) “I removed his shoulder from the burden, his hands passed from the kettle. In distress you called out, and I released you, I answered you when you called privately with a thunderous reply. I tested you at the waters of strife, Selah, listen My people, and I will attest to you, O Yisroel, if you would but listen to Me. There shall be no strange god within you, nor shall you bow down before an alien god. I am HaSHEM your Elohim, who raise you from the land of Egypt, open wide your mouth and I will fill it. But My people did not heed My voice, Yisroel did not desire Me. So let them follow their hearts fantasies, that they might follow their own councils. If only My people would heed Me, if Yisroel would walk in My ways. In an instant I would subdue their foes, and against their tormentors I would turn My hand. Those who hate HaSHEM would lie to Him, but their (Yisroel’s) time would be forever. And He would feed him with the cream of the wheat, and from a rock I would sate you with honey.

6th Day

This is the 6th Day of the Sabbath (Friday)

Praise HaSHEM daily with Psalm 150

Halleluyah! Praise Elohim in His Sanctuary, praise Him in the firmament of His power, praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him as befits His abundant greatness, praise Him with the blast of the Shofar, praise Him with the lyre and the harp, praise Him with drum and dance, praise Him with strings and flute, praise Him with clanging cymbals, praise Him with resonant trumpets. Let all souls praise Elohim, Halleluyah!

The Levites would recite this Psalm in the Holy Temple on this day

Psalm 93

HaSHEM has reigned, He has donned grandeur, HaSHEM has donned strength and girded Himself, even the world of men is firm, it shall not falter. Your throne is established from old. Eternal are You. (Like) rivers they shall raise their destructiveness. More than the roars of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, You are mighty on high, O HaSHEM. Your testimonies about Your House, the Sacred Dwelling, are exceedingly trustworthy, O HaSHEM, may it be for lengthy days.

(13) Wayfarer’s Prayer

May it be Your will, HaSHEM, our Elohim and the Elohim of our forefathers, that You lead us toward peace, emplace our footsteps towards peace, guide us toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace.


(14) Conclusion

As stated in the introduction, there are many Jews, who never had the opportunity to go to Cheder, thus did not learn Hebrew, it is for this reason we placed Hebrew transliterations directly below the Hebrew, which is followed by English. You might prefer to pray in English, please feel free to do so. Remember, HaSHEM our Elohim, blessed be He, understands all languages. However, praying in Hebrew is preferable, thus, if you cannot read Hebrew, we recommend that you use the transliteration, as Hebrew is the perfect language. HaSHEM, blessed be He, used this language to speak to His chosen servants, the prophets of Yisroel!

May this prayer guide encourage you, and every Jew, to obtain a Siddur, and Pentateuch, and use it on a daily basis!

For those who have a yearning to return to their Hebrew roots, and have a desire to return to the Synagogue for Shabbos and Yom Tovim (Feasts), why not contact your local Rabbi, and learn to grow to be a good and faithful Jew!

Also Available, is a Guide to Laying Tefillin

Complete with blessings and prayers

Through Prayer, and Torah, one comes to love Elohim

If we pray unto HaSHEM with love and sincerity, there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer.

The Torah commands us: “Love HaSHEM your Elohim” Davarim (Deuteronomy) 6:5. For the word 'love,' the Torah uses the perfect tense form VeAhavta rather than the future form TeEhov. This shows us that we are commanded to endear Elohim to others, and not only to love Him ourselves.

It says in the Sifri: “‘Love HaSHEM your G-d.’ This means you should endear G-d to others as our forefather Avraham did.” It is known that by studying Torah one comes to love Elohim.” (Shem Olam, Chapter 22)

May the Shalom (Peace) of  - Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, fill you with His Love, as well as your loved ones, etc.

 Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham-Goossens, PhD.


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