to lay Tefillin
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Guide to Laying Tefillin & Morning Prayers
With Dr.
Rabbi Reuven ben-Avraham-Goossens, PhD.
who may not have laid Tefillin in the past, and now would like to
do so, below are seven simple steps to guide you in fulfilling
the Torah Mitzvot of the laying of the Tefillin. Usually prayers
and blessings are said in Hebrew, however to make it simpler for
those with little or no Hebrew, I have kept most of this guide in
English, but all blessings are available in Hebrew or
Transliterated and in English.
say the Hebrew (Transliterations) first followed by the English
in order that you will understand what you are saying. Remember,
when you feel like doing so, contact a Rabbi for further
instructions. I have decided to keep this guide relatively short,
but as you follow this guide, be assured that you will be
fulfilling the Torah Mitzvot of Laying of the
Tefillin. I pray that this guide will be both a blessing
and of benefit to you! Blessed be HaShem (The LORD).
donning the Tallit say:
HaShem, O my soul; HaShem my Elohim (G-d), for You are
great; You have robed Yourself with majesty and splendour;
covered in light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens
like a curtain.
the Tallit over your head and recite the Barucha (blessing):
Baruch Ata HaShem Eloheynu Melech HaOlam Asher Kidshanu Bemitzvatav Vetzivanu Lehitatef Batzizit.
are You, HaShem our Elohim, King of the Universe, who has Sanctified us
by Your commandments, and have commanded us to enwrap ourselves
in the fringed garment.
Shel Yod -
Part One
have found that it is easiest to lay Tefillin by standing at a
table, so that you can set your Tefillin bag in front of you. You
are about to place the Shel Yod (hand-Tefillin) on
the left arm.
your watch and rings, then, roll up your sleeves.
standing for the duration whilst the Shel Yod
is placed on the part of the arm called in Hebrew the kibbores. You
can locate the kibbores by making a muscle
on the left arm: where the arm bulges is the kibbores and
it is there that we shall lay the Shel Yod
when the time comes.
the Shel Yod (hand-Tefillin) out of the
bag, making sure not to shake it out. Leave the Shel Rosh
(head-Tefillin) still inside the bag at this stage. Completely
unwind the straps and remove the cover. Note the shape of
the Shel Yod, its base is
wider than the bayis - the cubic box, and
the upper part of the base forms a slot through which the strap
has been threaded.
is proper to kiss the Tefillin before putting it on (this may be
done by directly kissing it, or with the corner of your Tallith),
as the Word of HaShem Elohim is sweet.
the Shel Yod in your right hand in such a
way that the bayis is facing upwards, the
slot (ma'abarta) is the end nearest your body and the
knot should be on the side nearest your body. Pull the strap open
and widen it to form a large loop.
your left arm through the loop, being careful to maintain
the bayis facing upwards, and the end with
the slot facing the upper arm. Slip the Shel Yod
up the arm and rest it on the kibbores. Adjust
it until it is positioned in such a way that it faces inwards
towards your body (opposite the heart).
the Barucha:
Baruch Atah HaShem Eloheynu Melech Ha Olam Asher Kidshanu Bemitzvotav Vetzivanu Lehaniach Tefillin.
are You, HaShem, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us by
His commandments, and Who commands us to lay
pull the loop so that it closes tightly and locks the top of
the Shel Yod in place. The strap should be
quite tight, so that it will not loosen during davening -
but not to tight, of course, that it causes undue discomfort! It
is most likely that until you acquire the expertise that comes
with practice, when you close the loop the Shel Yod
will move out of place: put it back in place and tighten the loop
again - and again and again until you manage to get it right!
the strap in your right hand near to the Shel Yod,
with the blackened side uppermost. Wind the strap underneath your
arm and then over the top TOWARDS YOUR BODY - one twist above the
elbow and seven twists, evenly spaced, between the elbow and the
wrist. These twists should also be quite tight, so that they will
not loosen whilst davening as you move your arm - but
not so tight that they cause real discomfort. Wind the remainder
of the strap around the palm of your hand so that it will not
hinder you during the next stage.
Shel Rosh
Take the Shel Rosh (head-Tefillin) out
of the bag, loosen the strap completely, and remove the cover.
Again, It is
proper to kiss the Tefillin before putting it on.
will note that there are differences between the Shel Rosh and
the Shel Yod. Firstly, the bayis of
the Shel Rosh is divided into four
compartments, whereas the Hand-Tefillin is completely
smooth. Secondly, the strap of the Shel Rosh
is knotted into a loop, which has two ends and not one.
the strap of the Shel Rosh (head-Tefillin) with
both hands in such a way, the loop is very wide and the two loose
ends are hanging downwards, make sure the knotting is
in the middle.
the Barucha:
Baruch Atah HaShem Eloheynu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kidshanu Bemitzvotav Vetzivanu al Mitzvos Tefillin. Baruch Shem Kavot Malchuto leolam vaed.
are You, HaShem, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us
by Your commandments, and Who commands us concerning
Tefillin. Blessed be your Holy Name forever.
after completing this blessing - with no interruption - lower
the Shel Rosh onto your head. Arrange
the Tefillin on your head as follows:
double knot that makes the straps into a loop must be at the
bottom of the nape of the neck: there is a natural indentation
there. The Shel Rosh itself should be
placed on the forehead in such a way that the lower edge of the Tefillin
lies on the hairline, or at the place where the normal hairline
would be.
sure (use your fingers or a small mirror, or both) that
the blackened side of the strap faces outwards all around the
head. Pull the two free ends of the strap over each shoulder and
stretch them downward with a gentle tug, making sure that the
blackened side is outward facing here as well.
Shel Yod
Part two
a Sign on the hand. Unwind the strap
that you wound round the palm of your hand as far as the wrist.
We are now going to make a sign the
Hebrew letters Shin, Dalet, and Yod, which
make up the word Shaddai, Almighty. Hold
your left hand stretched out palm downward. (If the strap
around your arm has become loose, you did not wind it tightly
enough: do it again!) Bring the strap from the wrist
underneath the hand (across the down-facing palm) as
far as the second finger from the thumb. Wind the strap round
this finger three times - once beneath the lower joint and twice
above it, crossing over each other above the joint forming an X
bring the strap under the palm of the hand and wind it over the
third finger from the thumb, across the back of the hand to the
angle formed where the thumb joins the hand. We have already
created the letters Dalet and Yod on the palm
and the finger do not stop to check!
are now going to create across the back of the hand the shape of
the letter Shin, something like this: \|/. Bring the strap under
the palm of the hand as far as where the back of the hand joins
the wrist (on the side of the little finger) and then across
the back of the hand to the angle formed where the thumb joins
the hand.
bring the strap under the palm of the hand to the middle of the
hand and over the centre of the back of the hand back to the
angle formed where the thumb joins the hand. Check that you have
now formed on the back of your hand the shape of the Hebrew
letter Shin - something like this: \|/. If
there is yet more strap left over wind it
continuously and neatly along the central arm of
the Shin until there is just enough left to
tuck the end in firmly underneath, in the palm of the hand.
the Barucha:
Veeyrastich li Le-olam. Veeyrastich li Betzedek Uvmishpat Uvechesed Uvrachamim. Ve-eyrastich li Beemunah, Veyadat es HaShem.
shall betroth you to Me for ever; I shall betroth you
to Me in equity, in justice, in love and in tenderness; I shall
betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know
Short Shacharis & Shema
blessings and Torah readings)
are You HaShem, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who fashioned
man with wisdom and created within him many openings and many
cavities. It is obvious and known before Your Throne of Glory
that if but one of them be ruptured or blocked, it would be
impossible to survive and stand before You. Blessed are You
HaShem, Who heals all flesh and acts wondrously.
are You, HaShem, our Elohim, King of the universe, Who has
sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us to
engross ourselves with the words of Your Torah. Please, HaShem
our Elohim, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouth and in
the mouth of Your people, the family of Israel.
May we and our offspring and the offspring of Your people,
the House of Israel, all of us, know Your name and study Your
Torah for its own sake. Blessed are You, HaShem, Who teaches
Torah to His people Israel.
HaShem bless you and safeguard you. May HaShem illuminate His
countenance for you and be gracious to you. May HaShem turn his
countenance to you and establish peace for you.
are You, HaShem our Elohim, King of the universe, Who removes
sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids. And may it
be Your will, HaShem, our Elohim, and the Elohim of our
forefathers, that You accustom us to study Your Torah and attach
us to Your commandments. Do not bring us into the power of
error, nor the power of transgression and sin, nor into
the power of challenge, not into the power of scorn. Let not the
evil inclination dominate us. Distance us from an evil person and
an evil companion
us to the Good Inclination and to good deeds and compel our Evil
Inclination to be subservient to You. Grant us today and
every day grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and
in the eyes of all who see us, and bestow beneficent kindnesses
upon us. Blessed are You, HaShem, Who bestows beneficent kindness
upon His people Israel.
The Shema Yisroel
we are obliged to thank you, praise You, glorify You, bless,
sanctify, and offer praise and thanks to Your Name. We are
fortunate, how good is our portion, how pleasant our lot, and how
beautiful our heritage. We are fortunate for we come early and
stay late, evening and morning, and proclaim twice each day:
them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates, so that
your days and the days of your children may be many in the land
that HaShem swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days
that the heavens are above the earth. Davarim (Deut)
our Elohim, I pray that You will continue to protect
Your people Israel. HaShem, be with them who proclaim the
Shema and keep Your Torah. Keep them safe our Elohim,
and let them not be destroyed.
Shema Yisroel HaShem Elohenu, HaShem Echad - Baruch Shem Kavod Malchuto Leolam Vaed.
O Israel, HaShem Our Elohim, HaShem is One - Blessed is the Name
of His glorious Kingdom forever.
you shall love HaShem your Elohim with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your being. And these words that I
command you this day, shall be on your heart, and you shall teach
them meticulously to your children, and you shall speak of them
in your house, and as you walk in your ways, and when you lie
down, and when you wake. And you shall bind them for a sign on
your arm, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. And
you shall write them on the door-posts of your house, and on the
gates. Davarim (Deut) 6:4-9.
you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today, to love
HaShem your Elohim and to serve Him with all your heart and with
all your soul, then I will send rain upon your land in its
season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in
your grain, new wine and oil. I will provide grass in the fields
for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful,
or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and
bow down to them. Then HaShem's anger will burn against you, and
He will shut the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground
will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good
land HaShem is giving you. Fix these words of Mine in
your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind
them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up
Remove the Tefillin and Tallit
Tefillin are removed after prayers in the reverse order of
placing them on. Firstly, undo the Sign on the hand,
the strap around the middle finger is unwound and is rewound
around the palm.
remove the Shel Rosh from the head, rewind the
straps, and place it back in the bag.
remove the Shel Yad from the arm. Put the cover
back on the Shel Rosh and wind the strap
securely, and place it in the bottom of the bag. Now put the
cover back on the Shel Yad, wind the strap
securely and place it in the bag in such a way, as it will
immediately come to hand when you next open your bag.
of the reasons we should lay Tefillin is, that throughout the
entire day, the Tefillin might have the effect that the mind and
the emotions will be devoted to HaShem. Therefore, laying
Tefillin is one of the great mitzvahs the Almighty has
given us, and whilst reminding of His greatness, it brings a joy
in our hearts!
the days come, saith , that I will send a famine in the land, not
a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but (a hunger) of
hearing the words of . Amnos - Amos 8:11. (JPS).
will be some Rabbis who will say that this is not a comprehensive
service for the laying of the Tefillin and thus not suitable.
Well, let me say this, lets get you started and grow little
by little. But please in due course go and consult with your, or
a Rabbi, but at least by then you will have familiarised yourself
with the Tefillin and the saying the blessings etc, you
will feel more inclined and be more comfortable to speak with
him. Sadly some Rabbis can be somewhat harsh, especially that
Jewish cult known as Chabad- Lubavichers
and their Rabbis have invaded the vast majority of Synagogues
worldwide. But, nevertheless, go and learn and above all, know
what it is to be a Jew, who loves the Almighty, the Elohim of
Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov! But more so study the
Torah and continue to read all of the Tanakh, not just the
Parashat, for the Torah/Tanakh is packed with treasures for our
Note: On many pages of this site, I will show the
four letter blessed *Memorial
Name of the Almighty in Ivrit - - YHVH, which we usually pronounce
as Adonai or HaShem. At
all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and whenever
we see the Name, we should say blessed be His
Sanctified Name.
*This is My Name forever, and this
is My memorial to all generations. Shemot
- Exodus 3:15.
A regular Prayer
Atah Hu Adonai L'Vadecha
You alone are
Remember: If
we walk according to The Torahs Mitzvot, be assured we will
be blessed.
whole earth is full of his glory
remember our motto seen on the image above: The
More Torah, the More Life
For Elohim, blessed be
His Sanctified Name, is the one who gave us our Life!
may Elohim bless you and keep well and close to Him!
Rabbi Reuven ben-Avraham-Goossens. PhD.
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