Hebraic Studies – “Ushpizin” with Dr. Rabbi Reuven ben-Avaraham.
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Doctorates are as follows:
1. of Literature, 2. of Philosophy, 3. of
Hebrew Literature/Letters.
4. of Hebrew Studies. 5.
of Hebrew (Jewish) Studies.
Please do NOT visit this or any site online or on your mobile on Shabbat or during the Yom Tovim (Feasts)!
Note: on this page and site I will be showing the most blessed four letter *“Memorial Name”
of our beloved Creator in Ivrit - Y-H-V-H, blessed be His Sanctified Name, which we usually
pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem” prior the destruction of the Second
Temple. However at all times please treat the most blessed
Name with great Sanctity, and when we even see the Holy Name, we should say “Blessed
be His Sanctified Name.”
the site I will use a version based on the “Jewish Publication
Society” (JPS) of the Torah/Tanakh (Torah-Law/Nevi’im-Prophets/Ketuvim-Writtings).
But Please Note:
Some verse numbers may vary in some version’s of non Jewish Bibles.
Please do NOT visit this site on Shabbat or on a
The Occultic - Pagan Invasion
On this site I
will mostly use a version of the Tanakh based on the “Jewish
Publication Society”
However, I am so sad to say that I am
disenchanted with certain parts of Judaism, as those parts of our faith, the
faith of my beloved people of
The sad truth is that so much of Judaism in the
middle ages sadly turned the wrong corner and is was slowly going back to the days
of the prophet Yirmyahu - Jeremiah. On what basis do
I say this? The fact is Judaism in general has been invaded by rabbis with much
the same occultic ideology, especially the recently the erroneous “Chabad-Lubavitch” and Kabalistic Movements filled with teachings from their
occult, and they have been bringing their pagan ideology into our beloved
faith. The Lubavitcher’s have even changed our Siddur, with prayers, some of which are frankly
blasphemous, such as praying to the dead and even inviting them to sit and dine
with us during the Feast of Sukkot. However this
is a completely pagan custom which is known as, “Ushpizin”.
This study is different from many other studies,
as I have left the rabbinic name of G-d or God in this study as well as the
Lord where in most studies I correct them, for Elohim,
blessed be He, FOR Elohim CURSED THE PRIEST’s for hiding his most Holy Name from the
PEOPLE, for He intended them to know His Name for one thousand generations
multiplied by a 1000 GENERATIONS!
“And the soul that turneth unto the ghosts, and unto the familiar spirits, to go astray after them, I will even set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people”. Vayikra - Leviticus 20:6 (a version based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS) of the Torah).
The current Chabad-Lubavitcher Movement has grown worldwide, and somehow they have taken over
countless Orthodox Synagogues even the main Shul in
the city where I live. The Chabad website states
– “Discover the vast empire of Chabad-Lubavitch”
Ushpezin (means
“guest”). According to occultic Kabbalistic tradition some mystical seven
“guests”, Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Yosef,
Moshe, Acharon and Dovid, must visit the Sukkah during the seven days
of Sukkot (cf. Zohar, 5:103b).
The Sukkah can be built in various ways, but the roof must always have palm or green covering
Note the plate designs on the canvas wall, these will be explained below
According to the Zohar,
Yosef comes after Moshe and Acharon,
but in most Ashkenazi Mahzorim (festival prayer books) and Shabbat and daily
Prayer books the order is chronological. The spiritual guest of each day is
invited before the meal and the text of this invitation commences with; “Enter,
exalted holy guests...” is found in several Ashkenazi and Sephardi Prayer books. The custom was adopted by the Chasidim
and their many pamphlets entitled “Seder-Ushpiz”, including liturgy based upon the
practices of certain tzaddikim (e.g.,
the rabbis of Belz, Zanz,
etc.), began to be published in the 19th century. There is
also a custom of Ushpizin that originated from a
Phoenician custom, for they believed it was possible to consult with the dead
by a magical inscription on a plate. Thus it has become a custom for some
groups of Jews to place a plate on the walls of their Sukkah
as an invitation to their seven guests, in other words for the “holy
dead” to come to sit with them at their Sukkah
meal. Whilst others will decorate their Sukkah wall with a special
panel (see image below) which bears an inscription of the names of the seven guests. Moroccan
Jews have a special compilation of prayers in honour
of the Ushpizin, called
we see one of the many pagan Ushpizin panels now available with the names
of the Fathers of Israel to be invited to
dine with them
for the Sukkot meal
My beloved readers, Please do have a blessed Sukkoth, but what those evil rabbis have added was to say very total sin and it was all part of the Zohar and Kabbala sorcery, besides it was pure necromancy, and is was the ultimate sin! But beloved I pray that we will all enjoy this very special feast according the Torah and purely as described, with the ‘Lulav’, and also enjoy some delicious traditional “Kreplach”.
Whatever you do please do not listen to that evil Chabad-Lubavitch lot and those other over-the-top Yidden, for they simply never listened to Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, but are were just like those who were CURSED By the ALMIGHTY for what they were doing is destroying His NAME, thus His WORD, Blessed Be His Sanctified Name, and so many other woeful things!
The following was culled from two Jewish websites:
Many Judaic ceremonial traditions originated in medieval times through the teachings of rabbis who were steeped in the mystical “Kabbalah.” The origin of one such ceremony; “Ushpizin” (or “Guests”), can be found in the following verse;
“When a person is seated in his Succah, Abraham and six distinguished visitors partake of
his company”
It is not surprising the occult brought in the
mystical recitation based on the ocultic Zohar, Emor 103b-104a, is then repeated each night of Succot to invite seven Biblical guests (Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and
Consulting the dead:
Do NOT consult the dead:
This, in my understanding is because not all
souls want to be contacted (excuse
me REALLY?). Another reason is because you never know
what kind of soul you are actually summoning in and finally, just because a
soul has made a transition to the other side does not make it more enlightened.
So the Torah, in its wisdom asks of us not to consult the dead for our own
good. However, the Jewish tradition is full of accounts when contact between
the living and the deceased are made … Many of the Chassidic masters
would have ongoing conversations with their teachers AFTER they had already
passed away including the late Lubavitcher Rebbe
(Schneerson) when visiting his father in law’s grave.”
Any person with some sort of brain will be laughing madly having read such a statement of total confusion, for this rabbi who supposed to be wise, is so confused and he obviously does not understand what the true Elohim, blessed be He, has taught us, which is so very clear!
What does the Torah say about consulting
the dead?
I just wish to repeat a very important fact!
“And the soul that turneth unto the ghosts, and unto the familiar spirits, to go astray after them, I will even set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people”. Vayikra - Leviticus 20:6. (JPS).
“Moshe My servant is dead (); now therefore arise, go over this
I have been
using verses from the Tanakh from the
“Jewish Publication Society” version of the Torah/Tanakh, but I have constantly altered them, including the actual
Names as shown in the ancient scroll’s I
have read in Yerushalayim!
“When thou art come into
the land which The LORD thy God (God was originally the
name of a pagan Deity including Baal-Gad) giveth thee,
thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There
shall not be found among you any one that maketh his
son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one that useth
divination, a soothsayer, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or
one that consulted a ghost or a familiar spirit, or a necromancer. For
whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD; and because of these abominations the LORD thy God is driving them out from before
thee. Thou shalt be whole-hearted with the
LORD thy God”. Davarim - Deuteronomy 18:9-13 (JPS).
“And when they shall say unto you: ‘Seek unto the ghosts and the familiar spirits, that chirp and that mutter; should not a people seek unto their God? on behalf of the living unto the dead, for instruction and for testimony?'--Surely they will speak according to this word, wherein there is no light”. Yeshayahu - Isaiah 8:19-20.
But still Jews are Praying to the Dead
Question by Ariel
“By the grace of
Elohim. Shalom u’Brocha!
Perhaps you have no obligation to believe the Lubavitcher
Rebbe or the Besht were prophets, but those who witnessed their prophecies
and miracles have such an obligation. Brocha ve’hatzlocha!” Ariel.
Furthermore (Ariel), to suggest the Rebbe, or ‘the Besht’
or anyone is a prophet, never having produced the Torah’s required proofs
of prophecy; you display a severe lack of adherence to the Torah, which
destroys Torah. For you will most certainly follow your self-proclamation of
their prophecy with the view that ‘all they said is Torah.’
Suggesting man is infallible and is always speaking ‘prophetic
truths’ leads many astray. These men were never proven as prophets, so
your claim exposes you as a very poor judge of Torah principles. Based on G-d’s words, we do not accept what an unproven prophet
speaks, lest he mislead Jews from G-d. So until a man produces the phenomenon
required by Torah to be a prophet, he is not considered one. You seem to be
living in a fantasy world, simply to maintain your idols as leaders of
‘holy’ status. Be mindful: when Moses died, the Jews accepted his
death. They did not say he was returning. So why do you place your Rebbe higher than Moses?
I visited your website
(no longer online) where under a picture of the most
recent Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, you
write, “The Lubavitcher Rebbe - King Messiah
may he live for ever.” (see picture below). You
feel the Rebbe is the Moshiach,
but he never satisfied any requirements that he might be considered the
messiah. Your credibility as a voice of Torah is thereby completely stripped
from you. But the most disgusting element of your website is where you
encourage others to violate a Torah prohibition of consulting the dead, where
you write, “Write to the Rebbe and Behold
Miracles.” You openly tell Jews they may consult the dead, and that they
will receive miracles. You do not practice Judaism, but idolatry. We just
celebrated our liberation from the idolatrous, Egyptian culture (Pesach), but
you intend to return the Jews to the Egyptians’ primitivism.
Dr. Rabbi Ben-Avraham Concludes:
“The Lubavitcher Rebbe – is the “King Messiah may he live for
Elohim also says, “do not lie” (Vayikra - Leviticus: 19:11) but if you violate this too, and lie by telling others they can
talk to the dead. Not only can the dead not hear our words, they cannot do
anything. They know nothing, as
This is why our beloved Elohim,
blessed be He, prohibited this action, for it is useless, false, and breeds
hope in that which cannot be. These evil and false views of speaking and
praying to the dead will cause many to become distressed.
OK, so many in the Lubavitch Movement seem have brains made up of pudding’s and are not even able to comprehend the beloved Word of their Creator, for due to the cursed priests and rabbis, you would not comprehend anything Elohim, blessed be He, said, for sadly you are so involved in a false stuper but you will defend your position that that this man was a far better prophet and greater than even than “Moshe Rabbeinu” forthat is what you have been doing and that shame will be on your back forever! But you are following just another one of the many fake rebbe’s who said I am the Moshiach, and of course now they are still dead, and they will never be with our beloved Creator, and neither will you, unless you will return to the to the true faith, get out of that man made Rabbinic Judaisimn” and return to Being one of the true - “The Hebrews”, and the we will have true faith!
You need to know that there is a quite a list of moshiach’s over the centuries, all proved to be fasle just like Schneerson and you my boy have sadly fallen for one them I regret to say that according the Word of Elohim, blessed be He, you are just another patsy to who will end up lost and will never (sadly) be with Elohim, blessed be He. You have fallen in just another nut case movement and I feel so sorry for you, for you are lost according the Tanakh and you are lost by your own words! You are following your devotion to man who has sadly passed away, and he also is lost forever! The truth is that you feel that your man who was just a rabbi which countless Kabbalistic fake stories does not contain a devotion to truth or Torah. As a Rabbi said, you are attracted to a “man”, certainly not the beloved Almighty, and he is so right!
Elohim, blessed be He, created the event of
The Torah is very clear on this point:
What is the Torah’s position? It is this,
we must deny all stories of this rabbi’s miracles and follow what G-d
intended through His miracles at Sinai: we are to follow only that which is
“comprehensively proven in front of masses”.
This is the story the pagan Baal-G-d wishes all mankind to follow, and to be all other impostors. Only when the occult take over their puddinghead flock they are completely lost in whatever they say, no matter what lies they tell, with some godly things to with it, we have heard it all before. But when fabrication and ignorance tend to enter a good but a false story.
Regarding Sinai, all possibilities have been
removed: fabrication is refuted, as masses cannot all share one common motive
to lie. Ignorance is refuted, as the event was simple in nature: all know what
fire is, and what mountains are. Thus, regarding
There is no excuse for a rabbi’s blatant Torah violation, as they entice Jews to enter into idolatry, for as we have learned that there is a strict prohibition of “consulting the dead.” It is essential that others condemn the views of such factions who freely malign Elohim’s Torah and cause Hebrews to violate not merely small sins, but sins that Elohim refers to as “abominations”.
Our Creator is clear about those that pray to the dead, or asks the dead for favours, etc, for tragically it has become a custom of many within Judaism, and as the Torah and other verses in the Tanakh clearly states; “Anyone who does these things is detestable to ” blessed be His Sanctified Name.
I am well aware that this study was not an easy
one to read, and for me it was a very tough one to write, but sadly it needed
to be shared, for our beloved Synagogues are being invaded by rabbis from that
erroneous group the “Chabad-Lubavitch Movement.”
Just for interest, one evening I attended a
“Torah” study at one of the Chabad-Lubavitcher’s
rabbi’s homes, and he taught something that was nothing short of utter
rubbish and a complete lie! He came out with what I know is their Kabalistic come sorcery belief, for that is where it came
from, that Jochebed was unable to place the reed
basket with her beloved baby un-named son in it in the water, for this rabbi
believed that the pagan daughter of the Pharaoh was really a believer and
Somehow Jochebed knew this and she had to wait until the Princess had
entered the water so that she would purify the river for that Chabad lot
believed that she was believer in God, yes most likely in
that pagan one! All very nice, thus did she plan the time, or was it a
coincidence that the Princess happened to be bathing location, which would have
been some been quite a long space away? Remember the Nile was a part if the
Egyptian God’s and that is why Elohim, blessed be His
Sanctified Name, turned the
For our Elohim, blessed be He,
demands that we live within His Torah, and this is impossible if we are led by
rabbis who practices and teaches lies and necromancy and other kinds of evil!
The Chabad-Lubavitcher’s
Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham.
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Although the
Rabbi does not believe in having to copyright any of the studies, but there
have been occasions where parts of the studies have been partially copied and
quoted out of context under his name, and thus he has been misquoted by those
who have their own agenda and reasons for doing so. Thus, it is only for this
reason these works are covered under © copyright restrictions.