Hebraic Studies

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Please do NOT visit this site on Shabbat or on the Yom Tovim (Feasts)!

Please Note: On this page I will show the four letter blessed *Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit -  - YHVH, which we usually pronounce as Adonai or “HaShem. At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the Name, we should say - “blessed be His Sanctified Name”.

*This is MY NAME FOREVER, and this is MY MEMORIAL to ALL GENERATIONS.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15. (JPS).

Also on this site I will use two versions based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS) & “Sefaria.com” (SEF) of the Torah & Tanakh Torah = History & Law / Tanakh - Neviim = Prophets / Ketuvim = Writtings).


With Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham, PhD.

Welcome to Hebraic Studies and the aim of this site is to encourage fellow Jews, especially young Jews, and possibly those that may have fallen away from their attendance to the Synagogue and Prayers etc, to grow back into our wonderful faith. I believe that one of the very first priorities is for you to once again light the Sabbath Candles on the eve of the Shabbat in your home, for it will bring that something very special into our home, and if you have a family it will set a wonderful example to your children. By doing this mitzvah, they will know that we are Jewish and that the Sabbath is not just any day, but a very special day that has been set apart by our loving Elohim (God), the Elohim of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).

Please NoteContinue to read this page and use the MAIN INDEX Bar located at the bottom, where you will now find many studies, including the “How Too Guides”, “Torah & Tanakh Studies”, Parashat and Haftarah Studies, and there more are being added on a weekly basis.

Three Points of Understanding the Tanakh:

I would like to point out that there are three important levels of learning & understanding regarding the study of our blessed Torah, as well as the wonderful treasures to be found in the Tanakh, which was given to our Creator’s beloved servant Moshe and the Nevi’im being His’s chosen prophets.

When we read and study His blessed teachings, as Jews I know what we will find below will provide a valuable guide which will provide us with guidance and will illuminate the sheer beauty and the fullness of what our blessed Creator is actually telling us. Therefore what we need to grasp and understand are the following three very important questions:

1. Who was the Almighty, blessed be He, speaking to?

2. Also, when was it said?

3. Most importantlyHOW was His Word understood at the time it was spoken/given?

I firmly believe that these three points are extremely relevant for our understanding of …

1What the Almighty was saying at the time - 2. As well as what it means to us today - and 3. Especially to you and me at today!


Over the years, I have received countless emails from those who have let their faith slip and have sought guidance, and that is just what this site is all about, to see those who are seeking to rediscover the faith of our Fathers and return to their wonderful Jewish faith. I am not asking you to become a Chassid, believe me that is certainly not required, but being a good Jew who has a desire to keep Torah, Shabbat and the Yom Tovim (the Feats) and keep Kosher is everything and you will learn very quickly how it will enhance your live massively!

On the Site Index you will discover that there are a number of special “How to” guides available, these are to assist you in fulfilling the following Mitzvahs, such as; “Lighting the Sabbath Candles”, “Daily Prayers” and it contains all the main Berakhot (blessings) for just about everything we need in our daily lives, it is in Ivrit - Hebrew, as well as transliterated and in English of course. There is of course the “Sabbath Kiddush” and as well a guide on “How to lay Tefillin”.

These are written in a way that the content is easily understood and to follow even if you have never done this before, regardless if you have been to Cheder (Jewish religious school) or not. As you grow, I encourage all men over the age of 13 years of age to think about to laying Tefillin, which is such a wonderful and a blessed Mitzvah.

Also listed on the Index, is a vast range of studies I have shared over the years, as well as a number of Parashah Studies (Shiurim). These studies are written mostly by myself and some with the assistance by some well known Rabbis from Eretz Israel, and my dear friend in the UK, may he rest in peace, and other parts of the world, most of whom have used a good number of my studies as well.. These informative studies will provide a fuller understanding of our weekly readings.

May the articles and studies on “Hebraic Studies” encourage us all to be better Jews who will turn to the Torah, and not be swayed by the modern humanistic lifestyles of these days and sadly what has become the loose ways of mankind!


Recite the “Shema Yisroel”:

I especially encourage everyone to say the “Shema Yisroel” - “Hear O Israel” (Davarim - Deuteronomy 6:4) at least twice a day and also before bed time. Why not say it right now, as below it is available in Ivrit (Hebrew) Transliteration, and in English. I love it to be said in Hebrew, even if you use the transliterated version, but remember our beloved Elohim (God) understands and loves whatever language you use, as long as you say with all your heart and all your soul! Omein!

“She’ma  Yis’roel   (HaShem)  Elo’hey’nu,   (HaShem)  Echad

Hear O Israel, HaShem our Elohim (G-d), HaShem is ONE!

Ba’ruch  Shem  Ka’vod  Mal’chu’to  Le’olam  Va’ed.

Blessed be His Name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever.

Then at least once (better twice per day, continue to read Davarim - Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 5 to 9.


And always remember the following blessed truth as found in Yeshayahu - Isaiah chapter 40, verse 8.

The grass withereth, the flower fadethbut the Word of our Elohim shall stand forever” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 40:8 (JPS version of the Tanakh).

I believe the above contains a great truth, for we should remember that we have been commanded by Elohim, blessed be He, not to ever to change or add to His Sanctified Word, for doing so is a great sin!

New Studies Added:

Recently several there has been a host of New Studies added, thus I suggest that you click the Main Site Index Bar below for a full listing!

May the Shalom (Peace) of  - Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, fill you with His Love, as well as your loved ones, etc.

 Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham, PhD.




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