Hebraic Studies - Site
Index - with Dr. Rabbi Reuven ben-Avaraham.
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do NOT visit this or any site on Shabbat or
on a Yom Tov (Feasts)!
Note: On this page I will be showing, as we
always use the most blessed four letter *Memorial
Name of our beloved Creator
in Ivrit - YHVH - blessed be His
Sanctified Name, which we usually pronounce as Adonai (LORD)
or HaShem (The Name). This came
about prior the destruction of the Second Temple - - Beyt hamMiqda.
at all times please treat the most blessed Name with great
Sanctity, and when we even see the Holy Name, we should
say, - blessed be His Sanctified
is My NAME FOREVER, and this is My MEMORIAL to
All GENERATIONS. Shemot - Exodus
3:15. (JPS).
please note that throughout the site I will mostly use a version
based on the Jewish Publication Society (JPS)
and Sefaria (SEF) of the Torah/Tanakh
(Torah = History - Law / Neviim =
Prophets / Ketuvim = Writtings).
Note: Some verse numbers may vary in some versions of non
Jewish Bibles.
Studies Main Index
is our
Elohim; His judgments are in all the earth. He hath
remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded
to a thousand generations; The covenant which He made
with Avraham, and His oath unto Yitzchak - Isaac; And He
established it unto Yaaqov - Jacob for a statute, to
Yisroel - Israel for an everlasting covenant
Tehillim - Psalm 105:7-10 (JPS - Hebrew names added).
The How to, & the Assist Guides:
Light the Sabbath Candles
guide to commencing the blessed Shabbat, and lighting the Sabbath
lights (Candles) complete with prayers, etc.
to Pray
am sure that this study will encourage you to pray unto our
beloved Creator, and it will be a guide that will assist you.
Prayers & Kiddush
comprehensive guide covering almost every aspect of daily prayers
and blessings the Sabbath Kiddush, various foods, wine, and so
much more.
to lay Tefillin
those who just may be interested in laying Tefillin, here is
everything you need to know, complete with images of how to place
the straps on your left arm, etc. Of course prayers, etc are all
Jewish Prayer for the Sick - On this page you will
find the prayer Mi Sheberach which is found
in every Siddur, but here it is in English, a Hebrew
Transliteration, and of course in Ivrit - Hebrew. It is important
that we pray for those we know who need healing, be it for
health, or even spiritually!
General Studies:
soon as you will enter online you will read in this special
study; Can we Say in Faith I Believe. You see,
my dear ones the truth is that: Faith is life lived in
the Light of His Love!
Are the 12 Tribes really lost
study asks the question; Are the Ten Tribes
of Israel Lost? NO they are not! There
are those christians, including one known
as British Israel who
believe they are the true Israel, this also includes
many other Christians. However, in this study I will prove
directly from the Tanakh that countless numbers from the ten
Tribes went to live in Judah and I will even prove this
from various sources that the Ten Tribes were
in Jerusalem when the Romans ruled our land.
Our Beloved Torah!
of the latest by our elderly Rabbi Reuven on the beauty of our
beloved Torah!
would have thought that the following verse had such powerful
teaching? And Elohim took the man and put him
into the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it, be
assured there is much more to this verse than meets the eye!
Blessing for The Czar
all know that much loved Play Fiddler on the Roof and
the question asked of the rabbi of Anatevka; Rabbi is
there a blessing for the Czar? of course, there
is a blessing
May Elohim
bless and keep the Czar (short pause - with a
fast finish) far away from us! But there is
much more to this study than the Czar or even Tevye singing
If I was a rich man.
Who is our Saviour
I am thy
Elohim from the land of Egypt; and thou knowest no
El but Me, and beside Me there is no Saviour
Hoshea - Hosea 13:4 (JPS).
is a profound study about our beloved faith and how we live it.
Ani Maamin - I believe to say what we as
Jews should believe.
Keep the Commandments
is a tremendous blessing and we should understand of course that
living within or as close as possible to our beloved Torah
Mitzvot is a key to well-being and a life of happiness.
Why we Read the Torah
Why do we Read the Torah on a Yearly Cycle.
This study provides the answer, as well as providing an
interesting additional short study, which is obviously also Torah
The Oasis of Elim
us look at a wonderful gem that is found in this verse and the
event it speaks about, for it certainly can have a huge effect on
your life!
And they came to Elim, where
were twelve springs of water, and three score and ten palm-trees;
and they encamped there by the waters Shemot -
Exodus 15: 27 (JPS version of the Torah). It may seem very
simple, but our Elohim had something very special here
and there is so much for us to learn and gain!
Gem found in Amos
are wonderful gems to be found in a single verse in Amnos - Amos
chapter 4, verse 13, which I am sure you will also will find
simply amazing!
Love Thy Neighbour
know this verse well from Vayikra - Leviticus 19:18,
but there is so much more to this study then what we learn from
this verse, for it takes us back to a Shul in Poland a
long time ago and a wonderful elderly Rabbi who said
something most remarkable. You really should read what he said!
We Are Not Alone
life tough are things not going well, I am well aware that there
are some who are having troubled times and need help. This study
is for you, for believe me, no matter what we may think you are
never alone, even though we may feel that no one cares. Please
read this, and pray short, things may well change, if your
life follows up with change!
He Who Heals
short, but a very interesting study based on Shemot Exodus
Studies & Articles:
The Mitzvot Study
study covers that there are not just the Aseret Hadibrot
the 10 Commandments but the truth is there
are the 613 Mitzvot, which were all
given by Elohim, blessed be He, and not those manmade ones
after the destruction of the Second Temple. These two
pages contain a great deal of information, and of course a good
number of the 613 Mitzvot are currently not applicable
for the most obvious of reasons, and this is all explained in
these two studies!
listing the 613 Mitzvahs, you will have read my comments
regarding our beloved Torah Mitzvot, but I also must cover
the rabbinic, or those man made Laws. Then you will find everyone
of the 613 Mitzvahs clearly listed.
Why Learn Torah
Judaism at the very heart is the wonderful mitzvah of being able
to study our beloved Torah, for obviously it is more than just
the Law, for it contains so much detail of our very beginning,
when Elohim, blessed be He, gave the land to Avram and
there is so much more!
Reward for Torah Study
Torah is the touchstone of our people and we are often called
the people of the Book. There is no doubt that Torah
study sweetens our lives. To emphasize this sweetness and in
children especially, it was found that in Eastern Europe children
used to begin their study of Hebrew with letters that had been
written in honey. Keeping and studying Torah will reward us
Tehillim-Psalms 1
very first Tehillim seems to have been placed at the very
beginning for a special purpose, the truth is if you cannot pass
the first three verses, well just do not bother going on, for you
would be in trouble, as the next two verses contains certain
things that might be extremely challenging. The last verse sums
things up. But, it is one of the best Tehillim possible to bring
us back to our senses!
study covers a very powerful statement found in Tehillim - Psalm
105 verses 7 and 8, and the feature word is Olam
being of course forever. However, be assured there is
so much more to the statement we have been given there than meets
the eye.
Tsephanyah Chapter 3
is a new and a powerful study of chapter three of Tsephanyah -
Zephaniah which contains so much and will be fulfilling. You will
find that I may cover things that we are generally not told, and
we need to know the facts re our wonderful faith! The point is
simply this, the more Torah, the more Life!
of Meribah
question is; Was Moshe really punished for striking the
rock twice to get water out of it? This is a most revealing
Study, as most do not understand the full story and the closer
details of what really happened here at the place that was
renamed Meribah (Strife).
Eliyahu -
is a four page study featuring one of the most powerful stories
found in the Tanakh, of how the prophet Eliyahu -
Elijah was used so powerfully by Elohim, blessed be
He, to punish the evil king Ahab, by removing all rain and dew,
and placing the country in great hunger and thirst. But there is
so much more in the powerful story, for something occurs in Study
Two, which in all of the Torah and Tanakh had never happened
before, a powerful miracle occurs in Zarephath, Zidon (Sidonia)
where he was sent after his stay at the Brook of Cherith,
where he was fed by ravens. This is a study, I pray, that will
move and bless you!
Esther ... In Megillat Hadassah
- Esther it may not have contained the Sanctified Name of Elohim,
but it contains a story of great faith, and we know this as
Hadassah - Esther and Mordecai and the faithful of Israel
fasted and prayed for three days chapter 4, verse 16
(JPS version of the Tanakh). And what was Hamans ten
thousand talents of silver all about? This is something
that may shock you, for it contained a prediction to more recent
Miryams Song
know that Moshe and the men sang the song first, and then Miryam and
the ladies followed and their song became something so much more.
Let us look into this interesting event and what really occurred?
Lost Objects
very special study that is directly connected to two very similar
verses found in Devarim - Deuteronomy 22:1 and Shemot -
Exodus 23:4. One speaks about thy brothers lost
animal and the other about thine enemys
lost animal. And yet all this could well be related to what it
says, or even to ourselves, for there are some who may have
somehow strayed and lost our way? A very interesting study and
worth checking out!
Birkat Kohanim ... This
covers The Priestly Blessing and a vital part which is
generally missed when it is used. When it is used and said
correctly the blessings will be far greater than you will have
ever experienced it before. At the end of Birkat Kohanim,
in Bemidbar - Numbers chapter 6; in verse 27 Elohim
clearly tells us that the blessings would be based on a certain
factor, which has been missing for thousands of years!
Hebrew Online
we can pray in the language of the countries we live in, but if
you wish to learn Ivrit (Hebrew) here is a guide.
However, there are two links to pages online that will
assist you in learning Ivrit, that is if you
wish to do so.
You Dieting
me just say, You are what you eat. Now put that in
our life of faith, what could this be all about? This a somewhat
light-hearted study, but with a decisive message.
the word Elohim a name? No it is not, for it is a
word, and it is the Attribute of who our beloved
heavenly Father is! Also covered is the four letter *Memorial
Name - -
(Y-H-V-H) the Tetragrammaton.
. *This
is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all
generations. Shemot - Exodus 3:15.
Zechariahs Message
people had arrived back
in Jerusalem from Babylon and instead of
building the Temple, they preferred their own comfort
and started to build their homes. Thus Zecharyah gave a powerful
message from Elohim Chapter 1, verses 2 to 6.
- Ovadyah may have written a small book as it contains
just a single chapter and there are just 21 verses (in the
Hebrew - English version of the JPS). However, I can tell you
that it is a big book as it contains a great deal and it also has
an amazing prophecy. The entire book is directly related to two
brothers who were born way back in Ovadyahs history.
is all about your Nephesh, or your Soul and this interesting
study asks the questions do you have one, and Does the
Soul Control the Body, or the Body the Soul? But
there is much more to this study than you may think!
The Ten Commandments
of my favourite Torah portions is Yitro
where we received Aseret Ha-Dibrot -
the Ten Commandments. But there is so much more
in these commandments than what we tend to think, although we all
know what the commands contain, but have you ever thought about
the way it was made up and is there anything special hidden in
there? My answer is - Yes there certainly is!
Special Studies:
is the grand story from Sefer Shemot - Exodus as
Moshe and Acharon face the opposing Pharaoh, Elohim has
sent them to proclaim Let My People Go, and we all
know what happens. However this study contains so much more than
just what happened, it goes through every single pagan Egyptian
god that was completely humiliated. Something that is sadly not
taught a great deal. There is a powerful message to be taken from
The Letter Hei & the 2-Temples
This is a study that will provide a powerful revelation, why
the Second Temple was never as powerful as the one
built by King Shlomo - Solomon. In the Second temple
description missing was the Ivrit - Hebrew letter Hei
the word glorified which is kabad in Ivrit.
Also there is a surprising revelation regarding the Herodian Temple.
Knowledge and Wisdom
powerful study which will have us see a much deeper and
a more personal relationship with a Prophets and
Elohims words, which will reveal Elohims character to
you, and at the same time it will expose your character to Him,
and your true character to yourself. All it needs is acting upon
those three powerful words KNOW, BELIEVE and
to UNDERSTAND. We should realise that those three
words were given to us in a specific order for a special reason,
and I will cover that understanding further in this study and
there is much more, and believe me it is very powerful!
That Tragic Calf
can we learn from a calf at a certain mountain in the wilderness,
well a great deal I would think, this will cover some interesting
5. Parashah & Haftarahs:
Bereshit -
Parashat Bereshit
short, but a delightful look at this Parashat with a
question, why did Elohim say And on the seventh
day Elohim finished His work which He had made.
Should it not have said that He completed His work on the sixth
day? Well, I will cover just that!
Parashat Bereshit - 1
This Parasha covers
in brief chapters 1, 2, 3,even to 8. The creation of heaven
and earth, Adam, Chavah (Eve) and then the serpent
tempts them; they sin and are banished from the Garden. From then
on, the human drama unfolds as sad tragedy. Cain murders his
brother. By the end of the parsha, Elohim sees how
great mans wickedness on the earth had become. Elohim
created order, but man created chaos! And we have to learn a
lesson from all that!
Parashat Noach
Noach was Elohims righteous
man on the earth and he was commanded to build the Tevah
the Ark to hold all the clean and unclean
animals, as well as his family. It is without a doubt an
interesting story, for it took him 120 years to build and we
learn a few more things that are quite amazing!
Parashat Lech-Lecha
this powerful study we find that Avram finally departs
after Elohim, blessed be He commands him Get thee out
of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers
house, unto the land that I will show thee Bereshit -
Genesis 12:1 (JPS version of the Torah). And we will
follow his journey to Shechem where Elohim, appears
and speaks to him and Avram builds an altar unto Him there. But
there is much more!
Parashat Vayera
the previous Parashat Lech Lecha we
read about Avram at the age of ninety that he had his name
changed with the addition of the letter He becoming
Avraham, as he would be the father of many.
(Bereshit 17:4-5), and then he was circumcised. (Bereshit
17:24-27). Then in Vayera he is visited by three
Malachim - Angels and his hospitality is
something to behold, and we can learn so much from how he spends
his time with them!
Parashat Chayei Sarah
fulfilling Study that makes sense of a difficult situation and I
pray that it will also bring some healing in our thoughts. We
should not forget that it was Islam who protected us from being
killed back when we were in Spain in the Middle Adges.
Between Judaism and there can be friendship and mutual respect,
although that does not make excuses for what is happening these
days with so much evil that is occurring within Islam in so many
Parashat Toldos
study looks at Yitzchak - Isaac and we learn that he is very
different to his Abba, Avraham, yet in many ways we can see
something of Yitzchak in each and every one of us!
Parashat Vayeishev
very special study that looks at something that is generally
never even thought about, and we bring that into our lives today,
for the message is really very clear, our wonderful Elohim,
blessed be He, is really in charge of everything! And He cares
what we do today!
Parashat Vayigash
powerful Torah portion contains the dramatic reunion of Yoseyf -
Joseph and his brothers, a story of forgiveness and love!
- Exodus.
Parashat Beshalach
is a powerful study, for it says a great deal about a situation
after a number of great miracles, but all too soon BNei Yisrael were grumbling
about their lot, and there are times that could sound a little
familiar these days. Yes the world is a mess, but He is always
with us and we will never be alone, we can count on our Elohim,
blessed be He. We have so much to thank Him for, and this study
will be very helpful.
Torah reminds us that all the earth is Elohims, but
asserts that our community has a special role. For we are
told that we are to be mamlechet kohanim vgoy kadosh -
a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. What does this
really mean?
Parashat Yitro Song ... This
Shabbat was last enjoyed on Shabbas January 22, 1922 was called
Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat
of Song - . The Torah reading includes
the Song of Moshe Az Yashir,
and the Song of Miriam Shiru LElohim,
followed by the Haftarah (readings from the Prophets).
Parashat Terumah
very word Terumah is so powerful and this is well
covered, but in this Parsha we also find this;
And let them make Me a Sanctuary but for
who is it? We will look at this aspect as well. A very
interesting and a touching parashat!
Parashat Pekudei
amazing story of a most faithful servant who constructed
the Mishkan - Tabernacle as Elohim, blessed be He
had called on Moshe and have Bezalel build the Mishkan
Tabernacle, the Ark and all the vessels, etc. Contained herein is
a wonderful story of a very special man who knew how to behave to
his leader and master, even when Moshe made an error at one
stage. Just a very wonderful lesson to all of us to learn!
- Leviticus.
Parashat Kedoshim
I have
entitled this study with this Parashat Love
Your Neighbour and I am sure you will know the rest of
the verse. I am sure there is much to gain from this wonderful Parsha!
Parashat Kedoshim (2)
This Parsha is
based on the words; And spoke unto Moshe, saying: Speak
unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say
unto them: Ye shall be holy; for I your Elohim
am holy Vayikra - Leviticus 19:1-2. But there is
so much more to this study.
Parashat Emor
this study came after the Haftarah study, but it looks
at a completely different aspect of the priesthood, and how it
can apply to us today in how we should behave in the world, for
as Elohim said Ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of
priests Shemot - Exodus 19:6 (JPS).
Parashat Emor (2)
second Emor study and it is very different indeed.
Enjoy it!
Parashat Behar
is a Parsha where I deviate to its interesting and its
powerful Haphtarah and we will see what a Jew of great faith
does when in a time of real strife, does he give up or does he do
the impossible?
Haphtarah Emor
study that looks at the Kohans life in the Sanctuary and
his daily activities. There is so much in there that we can learn
from in regard to our daily lives, even in these
modern days!
Parashat Bechukosai
This parashat very
much covers what happens if Israel observes the
commandments and follow the laws, and what if they do
not when we have arrived in the Promised Land!
- Numbers.
Parashat Nasso
This parasha in
general covers Bemidbar - Numbers 6:24-26, and
although it is a relatively short study, but I have added it for
it important as it has a powerful message!
Parashat Behaalotecha
Torah Reading (Shabbat June 25, 2021) is Behaalotecha
-Bamidbar - Numbers 8:1-4. Also contains Shabbat
Parashat Shelach
study is subtitled Overcoming Obstacles - and it is
of course the story of Yahushua - Joshua and Kalev -
Caleb and ten other leaders of tribes heading into the Promised
Land to see if it is as good as was promised, etc, but it was
that they came back with that it was indeed good, but the 10 men
caused chaos with their details regarding what they saw!
Parashat Korach
is such a powerful study when a hard and difficult situation
occurred. For us today, there is a powerful lesson to be learned
and I pray we get it?
Parashat Chukas
been in a number of battles and won them all, but suddenly we
find in a short statement found in Bemidbar
Numbers chapter 21, we find the following; And they
turned and went up by the way of Bashan; and Og the
king of Bashan went out against them, he and all his people,
to battle at Edrei. And said unto
Moshe: Fear him not verses 33-34 (JPS). Somehow,
Elohim, blessed be He, knew Moshes heart at that moment and
thus that statement. We all need to remember that we should take
note of this, for He is always with us!
Parashat Mattos
This Parashat should
touch us all, for it will teach us that words are very important!
What we say may and can well change lives!
Parashat Mattos - No 2
This Parsha is
all about Moshe Rabbeinu and covers his time in the
wilderness and details regarding his passing and how it may have
been delayed.
Parashat Pinchas - No 1
studies covering the action of Phinchas a priest who
was a zealot, who killed an Israelite man
and Midianite woman who he caught in a
certain unsavoury situation, etc, and although there
were those who thought in one way, yet Elohim blessed Him. But
there is so much more to be learned from Bemidbar -
Numbers 25-10 to 30:1.
Parashat Pinchas - No 2
look at the same study but in a different way!
- Deuteronomy.
Parashat Davarim
book recounts the life and journey of a people, their entrance
into covenant at Sinai and we will be frequently reminded that
the Torah is eternal, reverberating anew for all of us in every
Parashat Davarim - Words
This Parsha has
a title These are the Words and we compare these with
Moshes earlier word at Sinai when Elohim, blessed be
He, spoke with him and gave him his great task to go and speak to
Pharaoh, etc and Moshe said that I am a man not
of words. Now he is the complete opposite. The next word we
hear him speaking is to an evil king Sihon and they are
Words of peace.
Parashat Vaeschanan
This Parsha covers
our most beloved verse The Shema Yisrael and
associated verses and how it affects our lives for the good. It
is a wonderful Parsha!
Haphtarah Eikev
Torah Reading this Shabbat (July 7, 2021) is; Eikev
- Davarim - Deuteronomy 7:12 to 11:25.
The Haphtarah reading is; Yeshayahu - Isaiah
49:14 to 51:3. Read a short study with relevant comments.
Parashat Ki Teitzei
is the full reading from the Torah and the Haphtarah reading for
Shabbat August 20, 2021 - Elul 12, 5781.
Parashat Ki Tavo
is the full reading from the Torah and the Haphtarah reading for
Shabbat August 27, 2021 - Elul 19, 5781.
Parashat Vayelech
This Parashat is
between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and
it is one of a few Sabbaths each year that has a special
name. This will be Shabbat Shuvah, the
Shabbat of Return. The Parsha is a powerful
one dealing with Moshes final days and his
working with the people and Yahushua - Joshuas role as the
new leader, etc.
Parashat Haazinu
Parashat Ha'azinu covers Devarim -
Deuteronomy chapter 32 and I gave it the subject of Be
Strong and of Good Courage.
Powerful Studies:
Faith verses Rage
is a true story that comes from the City
of Lublin that was well known for being a city of great
Jewish learning. It is from this city we will discover a powerful
and one of the most heroic stories of great personal faith of
those loved ones! Although, it is a very sad and a tragic
event, but it contains a truth that will show us that there were
these wonderful and blessed Yidden who were of great
faith and proclaimed their faith out loud! I feel this story
could really change your life, for I know, I would want to be
just like them!
An evil book by Martin Luther
is about a book that was written back in 1543 CE by Martin
Luther, and it was exceptionally evil, and turned out to be
extremely painful to the Jewish community at the time. Then, more
than 370 years later the book was taken up by another evil person
who put Luthers ideas into practice once again, but this
time much worse than before. I have added this as we should know
who wrote it and what it contained. Page Two contains the entire
book but of most importance are Parts 10 to 12!
Who is our Creator
may be a strange question, but what you will discover is quite
remarkable, Our beloved Heavenly Father is so much
greater that we sometimes are aware off, for He is Great, and He
is Echad!
The Shema's Second Line ... I
received a notice from what was a young Jewish man
in Germany where I had lectured and served for several
days back in the 1980s. It contained a question, and I
provided a reply.
Crooked Eyesight
This feature based on a Parable that speaks of a man that had
Crooked Eyesight! The question is of course,
How is your eyesight? The study does cover a great
deal of facts regarding some rather sad things occurring in the
world today that seems to be in turmoil, but sadly within certain
parts of our Jewish world there seems to be some Crooked
Eyesight. This is a must read study.
The Sopherim ... This
is a very powerful study, HOWEVER PLEASE Note this is the
shown CORRECTLY spelled! It also shows that Elohim cursed
the Sopherim, Priests and Rabbis who completely altered the
blessed Torah and Tanakh by changing His Name and even
using a Pagan Name, and that is fully backed up in our
very own Tanakh!
Ushpizin & Other
Customs ... This
is not the kind of study I desired to write, but it is one that I
had to! Sadly certain customs were introduced by these
highly occultic and mystical Kabbalists, which
in reality commenced in half of the first century, but
gained super strength in the 16th century and crashed
into our beautiful faith that was far from pure. In
fact I am sorry to say this
practice they introduced into our Yom Tov is an completely
pagan ritual, as well as being considered as being
necromancy. I regret that you must read this study
but just check the Torah and you will find what it states about
these over 2,000 years ago how these Talmudic rabbinic devils
introduced these hiddious evils!
Kabbala, is more about the occult that our beloved Torah and
Tanakh. For it is the which brought about so much wrong doing,
just look at the evil and the wicked teachings of the
Chabad-Lubavitchers, who are necromancers and
continue to claim that their dead so-called rabbi is the god
Moshiach, if that goes on now, what do you think went on many
years ago?
The Kabbala-Part-Two
continuation of Part One, thus this being Part Two: In this
chapter the evil occult really takes pride, and there are a
number of mad rabbis who believe they are not only the Moshiach,
but that they are Godhead. The Kabbala is even part
of the Talmud!
my Favourite Study
study will tell you that there are certain cults within our
beloved faith, and I am bound to expose what some of these
believe. But what is worse still, over time they have been slowly
taking over most of our Synagogues worldwide, and what do we do,
NOTHING! But sadly we are in grave danger, as they have slowly
brought us further and closer into the error of their stand and
weird beliefs.
lest thou forget
Thou shalt fear thy Elohim;
and Him shalt thou serve, and by His Name shalt thou
Ye shall not go after other gads, of the gads of
the peoples that are round about you; or a jealous Elohim,
even thy Elohim,
is in the midst of thee; lest the anger of thy Elohim be
kindled against thee, and He destroy thee from off the face of
the earth. Ye shall not try your Elohim, blessed
be His Sanctified Name! Davarim - Deuteronomy
6:5-8. (A version based on the Jewish
Publication Society (JPS) of the Torah-Law).
thou shalt love thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command
thee this day, shall be upon thy heart; and thou shalt teach them
diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when
thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by
the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Davarim - Deuteronomy 6: 12 to 16. (JPS version of the
remember our faiths GREAT TRUTH: The More
Torah, the More Life
for Elohim, blessed
be His Sanctified Name, is the one who gave us our Life!
Elohim bless and keep you in the palm of His ever loving Hand,
Please, keep Shabbat, the Yom Tovim, and be Kosher!
Rabbi Reuven Ben Avraham, PhD.
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the Rabbi does not believe in having to copyright on any of the
studies, but there have been occasions where parts of the studies
have been partially copied and quoted out of context under his
name, and thus he has been misquoted by those who have their own
agenda and reasons for doing so.
1983 - 2025 © hebraicstudies - All rights reserved
by Rabbi
Reuven Ben Avraham.